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Everything posted by Shoryu

  1. TKD is awesome and is one of the top most martial arts in the U.S. and some other places...it is an olympic martial art, one of the only 2 olympic martial arts(including Judo).
  2. I'd say that the nunchakus are the best...there are a large variety of techniqes and all kinds of fun stuff.
  3. first of all...I go to the same club as Rockuman and he wasn't even in it for 3 months...I've been in it for a year and it is alot more then just grappling...in Hapkido you learn how to get thrown or fall without gettin hurt seriously and it is an excelent art of discipline and pain tollerence and all sorts of stuff...plus,this Monday we're having a knife defence siminar which will be awesome.... I think TKD and Hapkido are an awesome combination of defence...self discipline, fighting techniques, and alot more...
  4. I'm Christian and no I do not worship buddah...that is budism...and when I bow to my superiors it is not to worship them but to show respect to them...kindof like a hand shake. and I see kicking and hitting oter people a sport if we're both wearing gear. and it is a way to practice my self defence.If I were attacked on the street I would want to be able to protect myself. God always come first to me. and if martial arts ever interfered with my christianity then I would quit martial arts...
  5. I keep two pairs of nunchakus in my room, a pair of black gripped dragon ones by my bed and some hard hard hard black wood ones with medal studs on the doorknob and I'm pretty good with em so I'm confident in protecting anyone in my family...
  6. well...once I was in the cafateria at school and I was leaving it after gettin a coke and I bowed right at the janitors not realizing what I was doin and one of the janitors bowed right back like "what the heck" and slipped on the waxed floor and landed right on his face.
  7. I do Korean Hapkido...I'm trained in it in the same place as I take TKD...It's an awesome martial art and will help you get out of pretty much any situation, grapple, weapon attack, and you learn how to fall and get thrown without gettin hurt...
  8. YES!!! I just got some new ones...hard black wood with gripping and golden dragons...
  9. lots of practice and training always help you improve...and if I were you I'd just buy some or you'll get hurt...
  10. try martialartssupermarket.com...
  11. I own some hard black wood nunchakus with medal studs...try gettin hit in the head with em...it sucks.
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