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  • Martial Art(s)
    Hsing Yi , Ba Kua , Wing Chun, Iron Palm,Monkey, Ect...
  • Location

Fa-Jing's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. If I could I'd tell you to do something othere than TKD I would. I don't like to put down another art but... I have sparred alot of TKDers, and fought a few to when it could not be helped. From what i'v noticed there are holes in the style or training. Hands tech are week. Balence is poor (not rooted at all) Kicks seem to lack real power. In fact the hole style seems to lack real power.. I don't know meaby in Korea there are people that practice a more effective way of TKD than I'v seen here( i hope so). I have seen TKDs get eaten alive by street fighters and Martial Artest alike. ell i'v munched my share to.lol I'll give you the benifite of the dout and say there are probly good teachers some where and I'v just never run into anyone that traind with them. I speak from experience . and TKDers Don't bother to flame me i'll just laught. " You punch like a pig and kick like a dog "
  2. UFC is the biggest scam. IT's a really good example of people doing bad examples of there arts if that. I bet could find a 95 year old 4 f hight Chines guy that could wipe the floor with em all and win.lol THERE ARE ARTS THAT UFC WON'T LET ENTER UFC, so how can it really be UFC. DON'T bother to flame me its true and i won't replay. if Bruce were alive today he would be a lot better than he was in the 70's. " You punch like a pig and kick like a dog!"
  3. We usealy call a it a form . If you want some thing that "LOOKS COOL" Wu Shu might be good . Do you want something that is Effective or just looks cool? Weapons arn't that hard to learn from VIDEO and You perobly won't use it in combat so if you learn bad habits thats not so bad as a empty hands. Look for Classical Forms or animal styles craine, monkey, snake,tiger,dragon, ect.. Drunken style, and drunken monkey is cool looking but could never hope to learn from video. And don't dout the effectiveness of Drunken style either ... As Stated above videos leave out the foot work most of the time which is so importand. Plus stuff like weight shifts,timing, Softness, uprooting of power and balence, angle ect... won't be learnd in vidios. Look for old Kung Fu movies made in Hong Kong or China not hollywood the kung fu is way better ... Good Luck
  4. Try useing some rosine as a weapons hand poweder it works good. It really works with hight speed training. U know what thay put on the bowe of a fidle ! I'm not sure but it might be the same thing free hand rock climers use on there hands to. Use fine powederd rosine of coures.
  5. A STRONG BASE in one art is a must before u learn differnt styles. I find that Hsing Yi , Ba Gua , and Wing Chun go together better than u could ever hope. I like to do Wing Chun hands and Hsing Yi stepping it works really good. Ba Gua evasion and uprooting aslo goes good with the othere 2 styles plus the coiling sping like power. Don't Try this at home!
  6. Of coure I do the best style..lol NO STYLE IS BEST its differnt for each person.. I know what styles are best for me only, not best for u and the whole world. I don't do the best style just the best 4 styles just joking...lol Some arts are effective faster than otheres for self defence... To say one style is best is to limite yourself, with that additude you will get carless and be proven wrong. There ARE masters better than Bruce Lee You just never herd about. He didn't live long enought to become a Grand Master. Who Knows what JKD would be like if he were still alive to help It growe and matrure. What othere arts might he have expolred if he had the lived longer? Don't get me wrong JKD is effective and i respect it and Bruce Lee.
  7. I don't Know if natural style has forms presay. It's more like drills that get one to use your natural reflexes to defened rather than set moves. Your supost to have real exp in the othere internal arts before u learn it. But some how its still a combo of the arts i said before. I liked the Hsing Yi and Ba Gau web site u posted the ba shi form was nicely done
  8. The Story was funny. Each Kid has a differnt level of maturity, some kids are ready to train earler then otheres. I started at 7 years old it was good for me. Don't be to hard on kids you might turn them off to martial arts for the rest of ther life. A kid should Respect the teacher not be scared. "treat a child like a master and a master like a child" Did you treat that kid like a child, not a master or you might have blocked that kick?
  9. Well if u just have a crush on her let it go. Do you think she is intrusted in you, for real ? And dosn't every guy in your class have a crush on her also.lol Dose She flert with you or just hit you. Ohh hit me baby! Do you know her only as a teacher. Do you see her out of class in a scocal setting? All in all most likely a bad idea ,but followe your heart if you must.
  10. I don't know if it is true but I'v heard that Bruce Lee was a pothead from more than one sorce. anyone Know if that is true or not ? lol Oh But What about DRUNKEN STYLE ????
  11. I'm 29 been doing kung fu since i was 7 . I'm thinking about teaching in a few years but not sure yet if i will. I like learning so much. There is yet so much to learn even if we think we know it.
  12. Wu Dao Gong aka Natural Style. After I learn natural style then I'll learn Organice Style (see i can be dumb to) .lol no more cave man jokes plz. do u do this style and what can u tell me about it?? or have you crossed hands with someone that has?
  13. I'v done Hsing Yi ,Ba gua , And Tai Chi. Since natrural style is supost to be a combo of said styles I thought it might be good for me to learn it, since there is a really good teacher that going to teach it near me soon. Can anyone tell me about this art (and don't just do a web search and tell me *) If you have done this style only reply. Or some History is ok if its no from the web!
  14. Hsing Yi is a great art. If it can teach him internel power he will benifite no matter what othere art he dose. Ba gau is really good to.
  15. Vidios and books are only really good if u already know it . If you know are learning a form and forgot a move or 2 it can help. Sometimes a 2 preason exercise can be learned if u have exp in the arts or a new combo of things u already know. thats a bout it id say. You Will Never learn Internal Power From a Book Or Video. Theres nothing like the real thing. get a sifu is right if u can .
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