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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Shorinji Kempo
  • Location
    Lisbon, Portugal
  • Interests
    travels, martial arts, soccer, books, religions, cultures
  • Occupation
    news reporter

Raminhos's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. But doesn't have a real Muay Thai fighter to be balanced to win a fight?
  2. Thanks, I remembered to post about this issue because a lot of people still think that martial arts like Muay Thai or Kickboxing are only agressive and physical... and they are that!! but they can also help to develop a strong spirit because I think that everything is relative and everything depends on you
  3. I think by facing it not using force but thinking that everything is in your head! When I started to do martial arts I had some fear in combat and that caused me some problems... I faced it by thinking that everyone in the class was fighting and enjoying it so I tried to do the same thing.
  4. I think that we can find our way (a spiritual path) inside of us and not only in the martial art. I practiced Shorinji Kempo and Kung-Fu, two disciplines that have a very good spiritual training but it didn't work with me. I tried to concentrate, to follow the exercises with patience and... nothing. I felt that there was something missing. Then I started doing Muay Thai and despite the trainning doesn't have spiritual part I feel that I'm doing it by myself with no extra exercises. I'm not saying that this style is better than others I'm only trying to say that sometimes the way is inside of you or in a more agressive martial art and not only in Chi exercises or in martial arts too philosophical. What do you think?
  5. I live in Portugal and here Boxing and Kickboxing are two sports that are practiced by thousands but that don't have many impact in the media. But I think that the problem is that Kickboxing is still seen as a sport practice by people with no culture or education
  6. Yeah pretty cool this selector! My first five were: 1 Thai Boxing 2 Boxing 3 Doce pares 4 Escrima 5 Kick Boxing But what in an hell is Doce Pares? I went to see and seems like escrima from Philippines
  7. Yes...Pedro Alvares Cabral I think that he also invented the XXXXLLLL T-shirts...that only american can use....
  8. No... Portugal is not Bazil, Portugal discouvered Brazil. And I hope that you are only joking...Portugal is not a big country...but has 13 centuries of history... a big community in the States and is a matter of geography...something that I had in school!!! The world is not only the USA, thanks god,
  9. Less important countries doesn't mean less inteligent people...As you see USA is a big country but yet... And I'm not sure but I think that there are four african countries with B Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi
  10. Seagal can me a good martial artist...but he is a BAD actor and his movies...make me laugh...A LOT... He has some big problem when he is director of his own movies because he is always the last chance...the only man that knows how to save the world, the cook that was the best soldier....hehehhehehehe ... please
  11. I don't come here a lot, but I never saw anyone from Portugal!!!! And I bet that most of you don't know where it is!!!! ITS NOT SPAIN
  12. You should be her friend...but more than that...you should do something with her. If she doesn't like to do anything...she won't do something alone... take a class or two with her... take her to a school where there aren't to many "artists", you understand? A place with lots of white belts for her to see that she is learning something with others and not alone
  13. Or AI KI RUN a great style where running is the best think!!!!! Hi.... Monkey Girl remember me? From Portugal? Haven't seen you on messenger....I sent you a private message..please see it!!!
  14. As I said in other topic, I can train five times a week, two hours per day. But sometimes I only train 1h 30 m.... sometimes I get to tired!!!
  15. My dojo is great!!! I can train 5 times a week, two hours per day with a great instructor!!! Only for 30 $ per month!!! The only problem is that I can only train once or twice a week!!!!
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