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Everything posted by angel

  1. treebranch wrote: isn't that considered a quarter staff? Well i think they are the same thing only: Quarterstaff is a weapon used by english peasants i the past because its cheap. BO is a weapon used by martial artists. So both are basically the same thing except Qstaff is the western name and Bo is the eastern. Angel Turkey Shotokan 6th Kyu
  2. CAn i have a site name than emphasizes on martial arts weapons and how to use them please? Angel Turkey, Shotokan 6th Kyu
  3. Say i made a nunchaku, what are the techniqes to use with it in other words how do i use it like Bruce lee does, Angel Shotokan 6th kyu
  4. Hey people and respectable sensei and sempai, will someone bother telling me a vital point so i can use it in combat. Noy kumite but in real life situations. angel
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