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Practise is the Key

Experienced Members
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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    England purley surrey
  • Interests
    Karate, killing blows
  • Occupation

Practise is the Key's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. We can't find "http://www.neokarate.net/lingo/term/noshadowkick.asp"
  2. Ninjas are mammals. Ninjas fight ALL the time. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people. Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this ninja who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the ninja killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window. And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't believe that ninjas have REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will chop your head off!!! It's an easy choice, if you ask me. Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. Ninjas are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. i copy this from that ^ webpage Have you play final fantasy 6 that nija gu kill his family for a pearl. I did not finish the game am nearly finish hahahahah!!hahahahahha
  3. please don't give up your dreams because if you put aside your dreams its as yuo put aside your life. Kiai unarm and amred combat style.
  4. Don't forget us, me and my girlfriend martial girl ok/ see you round.
  5. Am 8th kyu have been doing Karate for three months in Kenshukai. oh by the way do you need a groin protection when you sparr is it nessary?
  6. kenshukai:Hard tiring lack ceremony but strong!vote the toughest since 1970. some of student give up too hard. Worth the cash £5 per lesso $9.87 if you want to experince TRY THIS!!! Shotokan: Medium tough alot ceremony and traditon.
  7. I like my clubs alot it not as big as shotokan but kenshukai is the most desciplin syle and hardest which we lack ceremony and tradition but shotokan have alot of cremony etc. 10 out of ten student that have been doing kenshukai and shotokan karate says kenshukai is very desciplind its never lack tenicque. Am 7th kyu (ho) tommorrow yes!!!
  8. Is a muscle power it can creat heat if you sit near a person who concertrate a force in his hand you hand feel the heat and focusing his energy example trying doing moksu than focusin for hours and then open his eye than break 4 inch boards. i never belive fire works never if somone focus so hard like made their hand imagine it is strong as gold and full speed you an feel the wind energ slash hard enough to blow away cloth. But firework is a fake drills. trust me I'll be back after i deal with califonia.
  9. I belive it like a body energy your strenth but not explosive firework no nonsense.
  10. How can people be an Instructor do they need to pass black belt? Or qualification in maths etc.?
  11. Go to google, or any search engine type how to tie karate belt. Simple. Enjoy your classes think as it like an adventure. Very soon you'll be hook for life. enjoy yourself look after your sparring partner and especially yourself.
  12. I don't want to say love things, never had girl before etc. am scared my sensei's might seen the post they are here somwhere. estonia beautiful country.
  13. hahahhahahaha!!! lol, you rock, soulmate am jeless
  14. Oh, who dare to say your logo is scary, is so beautiful and innocent...like you.
  15. IF you look at the time you'll see have you seen a drama called F4 ? Your under stand how I feel of you . Take care your are my ocean. I would like to have a girlfriend like you enjoy martial arts etc. So you can be my sparring partner forever. Well I say the truth.
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