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Everything posted by Dagon

  1. Lol, that's going a little over the top. But really, you were outnumbered and they were bigger than you, and you chose to use fake fu? In a situation like this, it’s unlikely you (or almost anybody really) would get through it unharmed. You should have just run off. You might have been a bit embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as you were using some bizarre martial arts style and getting kicked in the face. Take this as a learning experience and go find a decent martial arts school. This time do more research into the background of the art and the school.
  2. I'm new here, but I've read your previous thread, "Grasshopper kung fu?", and the concensus among the other members here seemed to be that its not a legitimate school. Why would you attempt to use such an illogical technique? Aimlessly hopping around on the ground and then a leaping double kick? Come on. I've tried to do a search for "Chi li xiang", and I got nothing. I think that one of two things have happened here. Senario one: You were seriously scammed by a big time fraud, a whole bunch of people familiar with the martial arts told you it was a scam, and you got hurt when you tried to use the techniques anyway. Senario two: You made up this grasshopper story to get a cheap laugh. Sorry, but both of these senarios are pretty sad.
  3. Yup, 7 pm basics class. You can recognize me pretty easily: short guy; no sash yet
  4. Why are you banging your head against the wall? It sounds like you've only been doing this a little longer than I have. I wouldn't get too frustrated with the training at this point; as you said, the school has a decent reputation. I'd stick with it for a while longer at least.
  5. I'm 21, and I'm from a little place called Highland. I'm also going to the same school you are. I'm pretty new though, and I haven't started the sparring classes yet.
  6. Hey aznkarateboi. What style of kung fu are you practicing? The reason I ask is that your profile just lists Kyokushin karate.
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