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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, Jujitsu, Kenpo, Taekwondo, Kendo
  • Location
    Missouri, USA
  • Occupation

CloudDragon's Achievements

Purple Belt

Purple Belt (6/10)



  1. After working several years as an EMT and Firefighter and seeing the effects of people smashing their heads into windshields, I can tell you the hammerfist would most likely not work, the problem is the disks between the neck that would absorb the impact. It would be more likely that this move would simply break the skull and injure the brain before it broke the neck.
  2. I would try to get on the Lexis/Nexis database, it has a case law section that is incredible, and pretty easy to search. The next option would be to find a reference librarian, paralegal or lawyer who would be willing to help you search through a law library. It's not hard to learn, but something that you will need help to start.
  3. I use extra virgin olive oil, it works as well as linseed oil, but you want to be sure to wipe it well and let it dry. I have been using it since 1990 with my bo and it is still in great condition.
  4. I would encourage you to see if you are learning the complete system. Many people "create" their own style that can be great for them but will not work for others. The traditional systems usually provide a wider range of techniques that are suitable for many different people.
  5. Yes, and yes, if you study both styles completely and not as a hybrid, I feel they are very complimentary systems.
  6. I absoulutely agree with your thoughts on this, but where are the people who want this mixing of martial arts and gymkata? Where are there cries of the extremists to be competing against martial artists? Hmm, maybe tournament promoters should consider this.
  7. I can see the instructor trying to make a little off of the sale, the shipping has gone through the roof lately and the school owners with their wholesale accounts are taking the hit. However, a 100% markup is pretty much crackhead prices. I would seriously look at how many advanced students this instructor has as compared to newer (less than a year) students. It seems that this guy might not be able to hold on to students and is trying to get them for all that he can while he can.
  8. The handgun would be the most obvious choice for the "life or death" situation, it is most likely that the majority of us will never be faced with the situation. So, the best choice in my opinion would be a small collapsable baton. Mine is about 6" closed and 18" extended. It fits easily in a jacket pocket or large pants pocket. The greatest strength of the baton is that it allows for more control over the force delivered and the location of the impact. The downside, alot less "stopping power" for those who do not invest the needed training time to register a disabling strike with a baton as opposed to a handgun. One other note, if I was ever in a altercation, I would rather pull a baton as opposed to a gun, for me personally there is too much to consider in too short of a time span. With a baton I can stun the aggressor and consider my next move, but with my gun, I still have not found the "Stun" setting.
  9. Wow, so you don't practice anything but tying your belt? After all, even a good block could break an arm, and that would cause permanent damage. However, maybe I am over-reacting, just what techniques don't you practice?
  10. Aces, I agree, the head kicks are pretty dangerous on both ends. Some, a very few, can make them work. But, I was wondering about the great deal of sparring techniques that you felt do not work based on your street experience?
  11. My concern is that you feel that you must take such a stand with your instructor. Why not ask his permission? In my opinion, it is disrespectful to "inform" an instructor of a decision like this. If you feel that you must approach your instructor in this manner, it seems that it may prove beneficial to move out of this school entirely.
  12. First, knowing something is different from being able to teach someone, as was stated here earlier. I have been the student of some incredibly intelligent people who couldn't teach a pre-schooler how to tie velcro shoes. I have found the most captivating, and beneficial teachers had an "infectious passion" for their art. This usually was shown in a dynamic, humorous personality that struck a balance with fair discipline and an ability to push students farther than they thought possible.
  13. I am not being disrespectful, but could you be more specific? What sparring techniques have you tried that did not work on the street?
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