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golden tiger

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Personal Information

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  • Occupation
    mechanical engineering

golden tiger's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Hallo to everyone,to the oldest and newest members.I am back.I was for three months in Germany.My oncle was sick and i had to help my Cousin in his Restaurant.Long time,too much work and no training.But now i am in Greece again and i need vacation!!! Well,so i will see you all now and we can talk again!!It is nice to be back!!!
  2. I will send you in the couple days a pic from our shool in Greece with my Cousin!!!
  3. hi i am back!!!And i am 29!!So far.Until Februar. C YA
  4. Hey cousin you find finally your way in this forum.I am glade.C YA
  5. I also trained with sensei Enoeda twice.It was a couple years ago here in Greece in a seminar.He was awesom.Well,he still is.
  6. Thanx a lot rushman,i wish you to the best,i wish all you to the best...!I am still a litlle dizzy from the litlle party that i have yesterday...oups! :razz:
  7. Well guys today is for me a really great day.I got finally my graduation from the Mechanical univerity in Greece.8 years of studing are enough.Oh oh i am so happy......! :grin:
  8. They are so many,Yahara,Enoeda,Nakayama...! Who do you think is the best?
  9. Well i think Greece is a really nice place to live and to visit.But my favorite place to visit is Scotland.
  10. Thanx to all of you.This is really a great forum and i will try to bring some other friends of martial arts to this forum!!!
  11. From 29 years i have seen the light in a small town in German.I live ther for the next 22 years.Since my 17birthday i learn Shotokan.In the Year of 92 i came to greece to study Mechanical ingeneering.1994 i got my 1st dan and 98 my 2nd.1999 i got my diplom from the univerity and i am still learning Shotokan.Well that is something abbout me.I send you all my best wishes from Greece!!
  12. I would like to thank you all,for you wellcomes.i seend you my best wishes from greece,for the forum and you all.C ya
  13. I like a lot Bassai dai.But my favorite one is Cojushiho sho.
  14. I startet Shotokan in a small town in Germany.(i was born ther).Now i am living in Greece and i have my own shool with my older cousin.He have the 3rd dan.I get mine in abbout 8 months.I hope...!Abbout the competitions,well i dont like them very.I always wandet to learn the old traditional way of Shotokan.When competitions than only kata.I like them a lot. And i agree with rushman,abbout what he said
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