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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin Ryu
  • Location
    West Virgnia
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Girls, Graphic Arts, technology related stuff, Little People of America
  • Occupation
    Student, County Commission
  • Website

ldmc2469's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I have a bokken made out of bamboo. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use it. It has ropes on it and looks like it could be loosen up. Anyone have any ideas. Thanks
  2. pacificshore, I would have gone to their instructor starting about a year ago. However, he lives almost an hour away and I am unable to drive. Their instructor taught me several things before he left our class and I have lots of respect for him. If I were able to go back under his wing, I would do so in a heartbeat. I think after a while I am going to concentrate on college and move to where my best friend lives after I get my degree. My best friend is studying a Japanese style that is much softer and has a bit more of a Chinese influence. I am not sure about the name of the style, I think it is called rochi ryu. Sorry if that is wrong. I am also looking at ju-jitsu as an option as well.
  3. pacificshore, I have benefitted from my instrcutors. However, I think they can only go so far in teaching. I just wish one of them would go back to our previous instructor to gain more knowledge and be able to teach us. I think that I may have take it upon myself to further my knowledge of martial arts. Doing so, I will keep what I have learned from them as my foundation and grow from there.
  4. I have a little bit of a situation. When I first started out in karate, I was apart of the Seibukan federation. I practice Okinawan Shorin Ryu. Well the instructor (4th degree dan) I first started under left about 4 months after I got there. He left the class to his sempie who is a 2nd degree. We remained apart of the federation for a year afterwards and then dropped the charter. We dropped because the guy didnt like how he was being told to run his class. He is 23 and just graduated college and is looking for a new job. For the last year, he has been leaving the class to his older brother who is a 1st degree black belt. The thing is, his older brother cannot promote any one pass 2nd degree brown. They refuse to join anyone to continue learning, but their knowledge can only take the students so far. Any suggestions on what to do or ideas? Is there any other organizations we could possibly hook up with if they would agree to do so?
  5. TKD chosen one, Its not the same as fighting a 6 year old. All of my friend who have sparred me say I am more difficult to spar since they have to change there whole strategy.
  6. Black Dragon, Right now I am currently practicing Okinawan Shorin Ryu. I have had several people recomend Jujitsu to me. But the only class where I live is 25 minutes away and 1 night a week for 2 hours. Aussie, Why do you feel that it should be illegal for anyone under 5 feet to take up martial arts? Does the thought of people shorter then 5 feet threaten you?
  7. What would be some good tips and teaching points to remember when sparring blindfolded?
  8. The other night I was in class and my instructor was helping one of the students with their kata. She would heisitate while doing kata and she will be messed and cannot concentrate. So my instructor turned off the lights and told her to do that kata, she did a little better. While the lights were out my instructor had an idea. He laid some objects in the floor so we could get use to moving around in the dark and we practiced some sparring. I was wondering, if there are some other exercises that we could do to help us use our other senses instead of sight. Anyone have any ideas? And does anyone have any ideas on how my friend could smooth their kata out. She knows the movements, but she stops and thinks about it and looses the pace. P.S. how do I change my little sign off to the side to brown belt
  9. I was wondering, anyone out there who is a dwarf of any type that practices martial arts? I am a dwarf and I am 3ft tall. I have been practicing for 4 years and I am a brown belt.
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