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Jpuncher's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. That's better than I was, I was only to palgwe 4 so far. Oh well, that's a good site, but if you still need clarification, AIM me at Jamesguy3.
  2. I do Moo Do Kwon, Chung Do Kwon, basically soft style (Moo) and hard style (Chung) of TKD. I've never been to Korea, but I studied with Soo Kon Kim for a day. There was a seminar at my school, and he came and studied for a few hours... It was pretty fun. For info, if no one knew, the soft styles are more kicks like tornado kicks and multiple kicks as well as flying kicks, and Hard style is basically "hard", usually one kick, most of the time advancing, step in front, or crossing kicks. More punches and and solid stances than Moo Do Kwon. I like the mix, it is interesting.
  3. hey Jack, I and a 1st degree black belt and I know the palgwe forms, and I have been looking for a site that has them on it. However I have been unsuccessful in finding them, so since I am also a web developer, I will create a website that has the forms on them, then I will post the site, it will be tight!!! Anyway, if you have AIM, you can ask me questions about palgwes anytime. My sn is Jamesguy3. If no, my email is babmagnt@hotmail.com....
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