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karatemom11725681445's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Switches are small, thin branches from a tree.
  2. A Karate Birthday Party? I have never heard of that. Is that common?
  3. Thanks everyone - I will certainly consider the advice. Thank you to the instructor for taking the time to give the great advice.
  4. Thanks, I understand what you are all saying. I thinkg that at 6 my son does need to be shown things more than one time to learn it. It isn't everything that the instructor teaches that he says that about, just this one thing. He said " I am only going to show you the difference between these two kicks one time and don't ask me to show you again before the test". I am not sure why he took that stance with this. My son took the test again last night and passed. (I was paying attention when the instructor showed him the one time, so I did remember that he was supposed to point his toes when he did the roundhouse kick. I know from all of these responses that some instructors teach the studernt to use the ball of their foot, not to point the toes when doing the roundhouse kick.) I am not sure what we will do from this point on - he only has one more white belt class and then a break before the yellow belt class starts. My son wants to continue in Karate, but he was so nervous and crying before the test last night. Also, last night during the class, the instructor fussed at another little boy and made him sit out of the class for talking. The little fellow just cried and cried. Are you all telling me that this is not normal for Karate? I just assumed that it was serious business and this was how all the instructors would act.
  5. Yes, I think he is pretty strict in all of his classes and he is very serious about it. But, like some of you have said, a six year old might need to be shown more than one time. I am going to see how my son does in this class and if he passes the test and can go to yellow belt, we may change schools. He had the pre-test last week and didn't pass because of these two kicks. We will work on it! Thanks again.
  6. Thanks you so much monkeygirl, DokterVet, and delta1. You guys are so nice and helpful. I appreciate the pictures. mikS - Even though I am not taking the 6 & 7 year old Karate class myself, I still think it is appropriate to help him if I can. The instructor told the students that he was going to show them the roundhouse kick one time and not to come back and ask him the difference between it and the side kick, so I had to seek help elsewhere. Thanks everyone else for your help.
  7. Hello, I have a six year old son who is in white belt Karate. He has a test and is having trouble with the difference between a side kick and a roundhouse kick. Can anyone please tell me the difference between these two kicks so that I can help him? Thanks so much.
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