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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Interested in your opinions on Naha-Te, which was brought back to Okinawa from China in the late 1800's. Today, this would usually be called Goju-Ryu and refered to as karate, yet all of the kata are essentially Chinese (the 'S' ones) The differences between Japanese karate are obvious, but what would you consider the main differences between that karate and the Chinese style it derived from? I have heard this before and it has intrigued me. I studied Saifa when doing Karate and often wondered which Chinese style this is from.
  2. This thread represents the posting equivalent of picking a scab.
  3. No I can't imagine why anyone would want one. But they are sold so some must, prehaps some styles train in them.
  4. If there is not probable cause or anything like that, is he allowed to take the cane to search it? An able-bodied person carrying a cane is always going to look somewhat suspicious.
  5. I get the impression you don't have too much trouble scarring people.
  6. 400 pounds must be pushing 3 * his body weight though. If its true thats alot of weight.
  7. That is of course from his own site for the other side of the story try: http://www.teemax.com/busmanartical.html
  8. There are numerous articles on the internet which suggest that the only person who can verify Frank Dux stories are himself.
  9. Have you ever heard of Kata? What about combo drills? Isn't this form of training just doing moves in prearranged fashion? You are right and I probably did not make my point very clearly however I did say "not just do them in a prearranged fashion". Of course Kata are prearranged so are choreographed fight scenes, and I am sure you will agree if thats all you are shown then it's not much good for self defense. (unless you attacked by a die hard movie fan who wants to recreate the final scene from his favourite movie" )
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