I started training with him in August doing Kum-Bup and then I started training in Hapkido w/ him also. In these last couple months I've been learning alot. I know he has said occasionally he goes out to Aurora to train. Is miguksaram your last name? Ryan
The first link is for a Kumdo/Kumbup school in Chicago and the second link has the curriculm for that school. Under the links are the names of the forms. All the forms are done with a mukkum(wood sword). I would like to go there but don't have the time. But anyway the only thing they do there is Korean sword. http://www.hwarangkumdo.com/ http://www.midwesthapkido.com/Curriculum.htm Hwa Rang O-Guem Chung Guem Hyo Guem Shin Guem Yong Guem In Guem Sa Bang Juk Sul Guem Bup Pal Poong Ta Guem Bup Il Cho Shik E Cho Shik Sam Cho Shik Sa Cho Shik O Cho Shik Uk Cho Shik Chil Cho Shik Pal Cho Shik Bon Kuk Guem Bu http://www.hwarangkumdo.com/ http://www.midwesthapkido.com/Curriculum.htm
http://hapkido.site.yahoo.net/books.html Thats a link to the World Hapkido Federation, scroll down to the bottom and they sell a forms book. I do not own this book, but maybe this info will help you!