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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    shito-ryu , kyokushinkai, goju-ryu
  • Location
    Monterrey Nuevo León MEX
  • Interests
    martial arts
  • Occupation

BASSAI-MAN's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. if you know only one kata is enough to know how to figth with differents opponents. "in the morning when you go out from your home you must be alert because you are walking with 1000 enemies (all the people)" maasaki hatsumi sooke bujinkan
  2. in shito ryu , we must learn a lot of katas i know 16 , but are more and im learning the differences on the bunkai of the katas of shito ryu and goju ryu , like saifa and seienchin, but i really really sure that if you dont know the bunkai of the kata then what are you doing , collecting unusless forms? , first learn bunkai then kata , competition kata is just estetic , is a game not a real figth. osuuu " with honoooooorrr"
  3. the shotokan should be the kyokushin´s grandfather , but i think that both are similar on the techniques but are too differents on the kumite , because the kyokushinkai is more strong (full contact) , and the body are less sensible to the impacts , but i never really train shotokan only i go to seminars. osu "no mercy" kobra kai
  4. hello everybody i first was training karate-do shito ryu for 8 years then a karate kyokushinkai sensei arrives to mexico (is the onlyone) , he comes for bussisnes but he want to give us (5 firends) (black belts) kyokushin karate class for free and practice with us , then i practice the two styles for 2 years and now i am learning goju-ryu , but first is my shito-ryu. because the others two are only complement , i want to learn some style with weapon like ninjutsu and a style with grappling like jiujutsu or judo.
  5. hello everybody iam 1 kyu of karate-do shito ryu , but my english are not very good , yes that kata is seienchin and in my dojo the first move are neifanchin dachi then shiko dachi , on the bunkai , you must block a punch with shuto o haizo uke with the rigth foot in the front then do the kakete uke and a yonhon nukite a the side chest . i hope that you can undestrand my bad english
  6. the two are so differents because karate-do use punch , kicks , elbow , knee , and oriental weapons , and the tae kwon do is more sport like martial art (im speaking for the dojos that i saw) , i like both , but for example a 45 years old person that want to learn a martial art , i think that TKD is not the essential because i dont think that pearson can kick on the air two kicks or things like that , otherwise he can , use his elbow , knee and low kicks . is my opinion , i love all martial arts 3r kyu kyokushinkai (yuwakai) 1kyu shito-ryu (shito-kai)
  7. hello everyone im a kyokushinkai student and i have 3rd kyu , my school is yuwakai , and my shihan is toshiaki suzuki , i like very much the kyokushin , and he told me that when you want to be a black belt (first dan) you must fight versus ten opponents (all black belts) , and then you must brake some things (ice , wood , block). if somebody know about kyokushin katas please write here . only i know saifa , taikyiku ichi and the pinan but im 1kyu in shito ryu (shito kai) , thanks everybody for your comments
  8. hello everybody budokas brothers. i think that if the karate-do be olimpic a lot of traditions be lost. the ninjutsu is olimpic?? the aikido is olimpic?? the jiujutsu is olimpic?? (for mentionate japanese or okinawan martial arts) WHY??? because this martial arts not be created for that. is true that we are in a peaceful times (thanks god) , but making the karate-do olimpic only for growing up is dump , because in this case we can teach karate-do for free in all the schools and this martial art grow faster (for example) of course the judo is olimpic and how is the judo training?? , only the sport part matters , the tradittion is lost , well of course not in all the dojos , but in a lot of them. well thats my opinion , i like the compettition karate-do too is very....funny. see you later brothers.....
  9. What happened when a karate-do school don’t have a shihan?? , well in all the world exist different class of federations and some schools can be certified by these federations, but if you have a shihan you have a lot of good reasons to keep it , for example , he teach you different kata with the appropriate bunkai . The schools or dojos that are separated from a official karate-do school without a shihan how they do for give grades? , (kyu -dan) , is like a university isn’t the same have a diploma from Harvard that have a diploma from a single person (for example) , I think that this is very important and al the karate-do students must know , because the highest level that a karate-do students (in this case) would have is he’s instructor grade , later than that he’s instructor don’t have nothing to teach because the students are same that the instructor. I’m agree that in the net (internet) are a lot of information , and exist a lot of resources of many martial arts , but why don’t be part of a world federation karate-do school. I hope that all the people that speak and read english can undestand this message , please sorry , but im on a hurry and my english is bad.
  10. quisiera que me aclararan una duda ... Que es lo que pasa con las escuelas(karate-do) que no tienen shihan ??? , es cierto que están avaladas por una federación , pero hay grandísimas ventajas al estar avalado por un shihan , que te corrija las katas y te enseñe los bunkai adecuados, entre otras. Los que se "separan" de un shihan , ¿como le hacen para otrorgar títulos? (kyus y danes) , es como una escuela , no es lo mismo decir estás avalado por la universidad fulana ,que decir estas avalado por Rubén fortozo ; se les debería explicar esto a los practicantes , porque lo maximo que puede aspirar un practicante de una escuela sin shihan es a ser como su maestro es decir llegar solo hasta el grado en que él llegó (1,2,o 3er dan) , después de ahi no tendrá que aprender , estoy de acuerdo en que el que quiere encuentra y que la información sobra en la red , para el que quiere buscarla , pero, ¿porque mejor no estar en una ecuela reconocida mundialmente? . No hablo de alguna escuela en especial ni algún estilo en particual , solo es una duda....cualquier semejanza con la realidad es mera coincidencia.
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