OK, here's my $0.02 worth. I'm sure the Purpleheart are very pretty, but i am curious as to how much those would cost. My advice is to get a pair of these http://www.karatedepot.com/wp-nu-06.html . The two sets i got were made from oak, very heavy and durable, and will last a very long time. As for the brass ring, i wouldn't be too concerned about that either. The trick is to go the climbing section of the sporting goods store and get a few feet of 550 paracord, it comes in lots of cool colors. String your chucks with this, and it will never wear out. I went through the original cord that came with the chucks in about 6 months, i've been on the same pieces of paracord for over two years. The purpleheart with the brass inserts will probably be much higher quality, and probably last a lifetime and be something worth showing off, so if the price is not a concern, go for it. good luck bw