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shanemm's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. well, assuming they start at 6 (you can't really learn anything useful before 6) that's only 4 years of experience. Unless you train all week for at least 2-3 hours a day there's no way a real bb level of skill can be reached, let alone the maturity. Skill isn't the only thing required to advance in rank, if it were that way then every world champion should be given a 5th degree bb at the award ceremony. Lastly, most systems require teaching to get your bb, who's going to take lessons from a kid half as tall as them and rushes home from class to do homework?
  2. interesting...if i had to pick the top thing that anyone can learn from grappling i would say relaxing. a few other comments... when you stay low make sure it's your whole body and not just your upper body. keeping your chin low won't always solve your problems with chokes so keep a hand there, you also don't want to have to tap cause they're ripping your jaw off. in general, yes staying off your back is good, but don't go out of your way if it's not neccessary; just as many moves can be pulled from below as on top...
  3. no i'm saying that several months of training will have a negligable effect on your fighting ability while your strength will have a much greater short term effect on your fighting ability. oh btw...sorry about the "any jerk" part, i didn't mean to imply that someone who lifts weights is a jerk...
  4. I somewhat agree with Prospector. With about 1.5 years of judo and tkd experience I know that I have a very slight advantage over an untrained person. However, any jerk who lifts weights will have about my fighting ability for about the first year of training. Also, you have a much different mind set in the dojo than you do on the street not to mention much less time to react. I don't think that you have the same fighting prowess at first as the untrained person, just not enough to make a differense. If you want to kick people's butts right away go box or something, don't expect to outclass anyone in a real fight within the first couple of years of true ma training(depending on how dedicated you are). Besides, most real ma preach non agression(i count real ma as those with a true philosiphy, not just "i'll teach you how to beat some one up..."). That's what seperates ma from just plain fighting, you can teach a horse to do an axe kick but it takes an uncommon person to learn why or when to kick and how to avoid kicking(and i don't meen punching ). Lastly, I belive that all ma have combat potential but some take longer to get there, ie. tai chi compared to say TKD. btw...longarm we all know what happens to thugs in prison
  5. actually there was a special on the discovery channel about ninjas. they had a team of seals go and kill a man hidden in a building with 2 guards, the guards had to search around the house for an answer to a random question now and then to prevent them from camping in one spot. they had to take the man's hat off to signify that he was dead. the swat team did it easy but the 2 guards got off a few shots, which could have possibly killed one of them in real life. the "ninja master" posed as a set assistant and eventually worked his way into the room were the guy was hiding(the target was in a bath tub and the ninja was in the room connecting to the bathroom). he used excuses such as the cameras were fogging up(they had a fog machine running a little bit), and he earned one of the guard's trust by answering one of the questions. when he was in the room about 8 feet away from the target he struck and got the hat. point...today's ninja would be like McGuyver. a people person who knows how things work, especially a computer and several other high tech objects.
  6. thaiboxerken wouldn't it just be JKD, just more extensive? i mean in theory, not in practicallity...
  7. in my 2 judo tournaments i haven't won a match but have taken first and third...no one is ever in my weight class...
  8. also, you can try arm locks. that will get him to break his straight arm guard. also, seinogi or uchi mata will be really hard to get considering your body will be so far away from his. i would stick to sode's and arm bars. you can also do leg sweeps by pulling him diagnoly back and sticking out your leg(forgot the name) if he moves foreward.
  9. sode maki komi with a little variation...grab his 2 sleeves, push him to one side(try to, or wait till he moves) then move in diaginally like your doing osoto(u can be a little further away) then turn your body and lift (kinda like tai toshi). so it's pretty much the regular sode except you have both sleeves. you can also do this throw with only one sleeve.
  10. find a poll and a rope and start practicing throws pretending that the rope is your grip and the pole is the person's legs.
  11. nothing can hurt worse than the first day after you start lifting...but yeah it's normal, you might take advil or something but I wouldn't worry too much unless it gets worse.
  12. grrrr....physics...the hardest class ever. i got a 73 on my last test and it was the highest in the class...but neways. force=mass*acceleration when dealing with body parts and kicking you add in more factors like density of the foot compared to the groin and visa versa, gravity pulls back on the foot, a lot or air resistance, the fabric takes some of the energy...also muscle can take more of a beating that bone and sinse the groin has a lot of muscle around it I would say that it's unlikely you could kick hard enough to completely break it. maybe severely bruise but not break, muscle is designed to stretch and be abused.
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