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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    4 kyu (green) Karate Shotokan, Capoeira
  • Location
    Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil
  • Interests
    martial arts, eletronic, bubishi
  • Occupation

Bl4cKtH0rN's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Have the Shotokan Karate kyusho-justu strikes? thanks
  2. Heeheheh , felt feather of that personal one, hehhehe, the kata is all slow, and forced, the feelings are of hate, the personnel thinks ta practicing karate, heheh, sinister was the hour in that the girl used a very long Kiai, that and waste of energy... I will be quiet ....
  3. Bl4cKtH0rN


    heheh, I have seen a lot of stories of JKA... howover the JKA deny....
  4. Was I looking at some katas of gichin funakoshi, and did see high bases, but because today in Shotokan it is used low bases? Somebody answers me please!!!!!!!!
  5. Bl4cKtH0rN


    Hello, I would like to change e-books about karate or knowledge sites where I can lower, thank you .
  6. Hi, I have more than 500 videos (more than 1 giga!!! ) in mine filed in my computer. I diffused them in several sites, I recommend for you: Uechi-ryu.com jutsko.com
  7. The kyokushin has Kumite, but he also has the goshin-jitsu, in this training type to defense-personal is more emphasized.
  8. Hehehe, well, you make a mistake, I am a researcher of martial arts , but thank you for the "oss" teachings.
  9. I already lowered this video in bulllshido.com. Oss!
  10. Oss, goshin-jitsu is the defense-personnel's of Kyokushin part, oss!
  11. Bl4cKtH0rN


    Oss friends! I am now researching Bubishi ( the ancestral book of Karate), and it would like to change ideas, websites, and-books and maybe to create a research group. Thank you, oss!!
  12. Oss, you can buy in https://www.amazon.com. Oss!!
  13. I would like to have more information on Uechi-ryu and their techniques, I would be appreciated sent me and-books or sites addresses. Oss, my greetings.
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