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  • Martial Art(s)
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    Combative arts
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Gino's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Welcome I hope you enjoy these pages as much as I do
  2. Some interesting responses. Bruce Lee is someone I'm particularly interested in at the moment.I know some people probably won't like this but I've never been much of a fan of Bruce Lee. I do respect him, as a person I think he acheived quite alot and did some good things but as a Martial Artist does he really deserve this god like respect he has from some people?.....sometimes I do wonder. Maybe I feel like this because I've always trained in a Japanese style of Karate, I was quite young when I started Karate and although I watched Bruce Lee films like everyone else it didn't seem to have the same impact on me, I think mainly because alot of it was so different to what I was being taught in my dojo.I'm not knocking him but I would of loved to of met him and maybe had a chat and trained under him and so on, to get a better idea of what he was all about. Meeting Master Itosu would of been a very cool experiance considering his influence on G. Funakosh and Y. Funakoshi I bet he was one serious dude.
  3. I was wondering, who would you guys most like to meet from the martial arts ? It might be a Master who has now passed away or a current living legend or just someone you have always admired. For me, I've always wanted to meet Mas Oyama, Unfortunately now I won't get the chance.Another person I would love to of met is Gichin Funakoshi.Bruce Lee is another on my list. What about you?
  4. We have 1.5 hour sessions then you can stay for an hour or so after if you want and skip, do bag work, practice kata or sparr. If my teacher decides to get a point across that he feels we're not picking up well, it can be a late night !
  5. Crouching tiger, I hope you don't mind me giving you my take on this. Obviously you (in the general sense) shouldn't be embarrased by the name of your club.Theres alot more going on than a name. I think rather than trying to rough this person up you should find the right moment and have a quick word with him and explain some of the important things in martial arts training and what he can get out of it if he appraoches it with the right attitude. If you are a higher grade and have been there longer you should try and help this person.Not beat up on him. If, after you've told him a name isn't important and that he should concentrate on training hard, he continues to laugh at the clubs expense then give him a good kick in......... NO !!...... only joking. Just get on with your training and don't let things like that bother you.Its realy not important.
  6. I like heavy weight gi's to.In the summer they can be abit hot though. Sometimes I mix an match.Heavy up top and light weight bottoms or vice versa.
  7. If anyone knows a way I can watch this show in England please let me know.I have the discovery channel and so on but its not listed anywhere. For anyone whos interested, on British Eurosport tonight at 8pm theres the 8th world open Karate championship.I think it's probably the non-contact point scoring thing called K10 with a £10,000 prize for the winner. Then at 9:30 on British Eurosport theres K1 fighting in Osaka, Japan.Thats on for an hour.
  8. We have practiced two and three man attacks where I train and we have been told ways of using one of the men as a sheild. I think unfortunately we don't practice for multiple attackers as much as we could in class, as very often in real situations you will find yourself up against an attacker and a couple of his pals. When faced with an attacker of course you should do all you can and use whatever you know to get yourself out of the situation. In Kyokushin we have various techniques that allow you to attack and defend in front, at the side and from behind all of which are of equall importance in a live situation with more than one attacker involved. If you know nothing of ways to defend and attack against multiple attackers I think you should seriously start thinking about finding out more. Most street situations involve more than one attacker and if you never practice stratagies and techniques for those types of situations you are at risk of injury or worse. If you are studying the martial arts as a form of self defence this kind of knowlage is a must surely.
  9. Whats Tekken? I'm guessing its a computor game.I hate those things.Every time you pick up one of those things and play for 20mins you could be going for a run or doing pressups or sit ups or anything constructive like reading about the Martial Arts or coming on here and talking about martial arts, anything but computor games. Sorry to people who enjoy them but I've always been more of an active person, those things drive me crazy. I seem to spend more and more time trying to get my 7yr old off his playstation or game boy recently. By the way I know I'm on the computor myself right now but I'm at work and I might get some funny looks if I start doing pressups right now. Oh, and I'm only 28yrs old, I'm perfectly normal and I'm no geek. It's funny how things have changed.When I was a kid you were a geek if you used computers to much, now if you don't know what tekken is there must be something wrong with you. I'm glad I got that off my chest, I feel much better.
  10. Try staying in tight and close.Don't let him break away and start using his movement and foot work. This my not suit your fighting style though so be carefull.Knees, elbows and short hook and uppercut type punches come into play at this distance so you'll need to be conditioned enough to be able to take a few. Keep him under pressure and move forward whilst keeping as tight to him as you dare.That way you can't lose him when he turns his footwork on. Of course another option I would strongly recommend is to improve your own footwork speed and movement. If footwork speed and movement is one of you shortfalls then thats what you should concentrate on.
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