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  • Martial Art(s)
    Matsumura Seito Shuri Te
  • Location
    South of Oklahoma, North of Mexico
  • Interests
    let me see...My girl, MAs, UZN
  • Occupation
    Corporate Administator

Hohan-1's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Are you sure that you do GJJ? You better tell Helio that his SD techs don't work. That is the bread and butter of GJJ. He's said it himself as has Rorion. The majority of GJJ students do the sport wrasslin' version. It keeps things interesting for the common folk, with all the fun competing and trophies and such. You must roll with the entire class... If you take privates at Gracie-Torrance with Ryron you would concentrate on the Self Defense aspects of GJJ which include standing arm bars and wrist locks. Being a GJJ practitoner you know this though, right? So many people are into a system and just take people's words for things. You aren't the Gracies, will never be the Machados, so don't think that it will work (for you) against a determined person who is fast and large and exhibits a killer mind-set. If you've ever fought for real then you know this- 99% of fights begin on your feet. Keep it there. Learn all ranges and try to learn to stay on your feet in the street. A good sprawl will stop many an attempted shoot or leg takedown. Getting kneed, kicked or uppercutted after your failed attempt or during the attempt is quite commonplace, even in NHB comps nowadays. GJJ has been let out of the bag. No more surprises. It is a good thing to be familiar with, but it is only a limited fix for the entropy of a real conflict. It brought fame and fortune to the Gracie's at the expense of divulging the "secret" of their element of surprise. It such a unique art it really is a shame. Striking works better for real fighting. The problem is that most striking arts are crap, as are their principles, their teachers and their intent. At least with GJJ you get a method which has undergone strict rigors to make it effective as a submission wrestling form, and the majority of its BBs are more than qualified to teach it.. Respect to the Gracies, but nothing is a panacea, especially if it's limited in its scope. I can twist you like a pretsel, throw you by your neck so that you land on the side of your skull, while striking you the entire time from many angles. I can make standing locks and bars work. That includes catch-kicks into ankle and knee locks. Whatever it takes bro. There is so much folks just don't, won't or can't know. Truth be told...
  2. Hands. Reason? "In combat first of all, steal their balance". Legs are needed for a strong base, movement and power generation without decreased stability. It's true that the legs are much stronger than the hands, but being on one leg, even for an instant in a real fight, can lead to lots of bad things. Using your legs to gain positions of advantage (maneuvering), is more sure than hoping that one roundhouse to the head will connect and knock your opponent out. By the way you can tell who has fought on the street and who hasn't, just by the responses. There really is no argument. The safe way is to punch from various angles and to keep going until your opponent is defeated. If you can get a good low kick in at the end after you have things under control (especially if the opponent is on his knees and you are standing), that's when it would be wisest to use kicks and knees. IMO...
  3. Do you mean "PERIPHERAL' vision? You should know how to spell what you want to train. Then you should look up the definition. Then you should read the rest of the dictionary. Then study some basic opthalmologic concepts. Then A&P. Yeah, you combative forumers need to check all those head shots! Brains is a necessary prerequisite for being a great warrior. Phonetics works, for real...
  4. S-Te and Kirves got it all sewn up. There are a few loose ends in some of it though. As far as the term "Samurai", this Japanese term is roughly analogous to the Hogan word "Bushi" or "Peichin". For example Hohan Soken was cited by Ripley's as being the oldest living "Samurai" at one time. He was in essence of the Okinawan Peichin class and thus technically was a samurai. ShuriTe (Shorin Ryu) in it's orthodox form (Seito) was influenced by Ti/Tuite/Gyakute or indigenous Okinawan fighting, Shaolin Chuan Shu, AND Jigen Ryu Kenjutsu, the Samurai art of the Satsuma Clan, the clan which ran Okinawa after the Japanese occupation. Due to his position as head of the Royal Palace Guard at Shuri castle, Sokon Matsumura was invited to learn this Japanese samurai style and became a Shihan in it. The current master of Jigen Ryu Kenjutsu when asked how much of an influence Jigen Ryu had on Karate (at least Matsumura's ShuriTe) exclaimed "no doubt that the influence was significant, but which style influenced which is the main question"! I've always found that statement to be really interesting. So most likely Samurai stuff was influenced by AND influenced Toudi, at least Matsumura's (Hohan Soken's style) that is. I'd like to add that Kirves is one of the most knoweldgable karate-ka I've seen on any of these forums. His understanding of modern and classical budo/bujutsu is exemplary. Out of all the Japanese systems Kyokushinkai gets my vote as the best! Sosai Oyama would be proud! As for the Hakutsuru (WHITE CRANE) kata. Hohan Soken was the only one taught this rare form. He trained in Taiwan for some years to better undertsand this "family" form which was passed to his uncle Nabe via his gandfather Sokon Matsumura. The Hakutsuru is seen only in the Matsumura Seito form of Shorin. It is a very simple form with many subtleties. But yes, in reference to your query, Shaolin and Shorin are very related (Sokon Mastumura trained there [the Fukian temple] for over 15 years, but only the Orthodox form bears any true resemblence to its Southern Shaolin predecessor. Hope this helps. Have a good week.
  5. Hohan-1

    Kata Video

    Yeah, Alexander is a master of hyperbole. He likes to make money and train very little. Despite that he is somehow a higher rank than those who are decades senior to him in his "core" system. I smell scheisty-ness!
  6. Shorin Shinshii, You're beating a dead horse with blinders on! This guy needs cerebral soiling or something. Tao that's cool that you do Dillman Karate. You stick with it and have fun believing the hype. Just don't try and use that stufff for real SD! Those so called secret notes that Dillman has anyone could get if they tried hard enough. I have the same ones with the anterior and posterior PP diagrams with corresponding point names and attached descriptions of what to do to effect them and what effects will ensue. Fusei Kise use to give them to all of his students. I got mine from Ron Lindsey. If you want to learn real vital point techs you have to go to the source- Okinawan tuite or Chinese Dian Xue. In one weekends time you couldn't even learn how to effectively apply ONE let alone more of these principles. It takes years bro, yeeeeears. Just like you don't get authentic Italian cuisine at the Olive Garden, you can't learn orthodox Okinawan techniques from an unorthodox, eclectic American "do" style. This is training you can't "reverse engineer". You either learn from a reputable instructor or you'll keep shooting blanks. There is one thing you said that has some valididty to it. There is ONE one-touch K.O. that works sometimes. I won't detail it here but it's akin to a "carotid massage". I'll leave it at that. That's the facts Jack! Go to the source, learn the real deal or just shut your trap. Really, you are sounding quite ridiculous. Oh, and being any type of Karate competition champ means diddly in true Okinawan karate. Fordarillas guy! (Shhhh! Your teacher is a scheister)
  7. In traditional Okinawan karate proper walking and stance training, can last for months depending on your ability to move in the right manner. The only reason for stance training is kigong (chigung).; both structurally and internally. It teaches one through repetition how your style generates balance, power, kinetic energy transfer and proper state of mind. After training in this way you can maintain structural equilibrium and mental preparedness. Proper training and clarity on its importance is crucial. It speeds the process of self-validation along. You gotta crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. This is when your fighting stance becomes any stance you are in. You can't be some spaz', hyper, tense, off-balanced brawler and consider yourself a true martial artist. Wreckless abandon in action and thought leads to a dead "warrior". All this stuff was originally related to combat training of some sort, and preserving your resources/troops (or warrior monks). Yes understanding your center of gravity (dan tien; tanden) is the" ki" to it all. Core strength baby!!! Train diligently and with understanding to learn more about you...
  8. Of all the ryuha, not just ryu, I'd say that the most efficient systems are Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu, Motobu Ryu (Bugeikan) and Isshin Ryu. I love Uechi Ryu too, but it can be a very "external" internal style. Lots of body hardening and Sanchin, but still, very efficient for Naha-te. Many other ryuha of Shorin require good athleticism and flexibilty. Matsubayashi included. In that instance Higaonna Goju Ryu beats them in efficiency. Efficiency meaning conserved movement, rootedness, economy of motion and realistic street techs. Many Kyokushin (including Enshin, Ashihara and Shidokan), Shotokan and Shorin schools teach a fast, almost kickboxing type of karate. The same for TSD, TKD and Kenpo. Remember this is about efficiency, not efficacy ! Are they somehow intertwined? Hmmmmm....
  9. He's all that and a plate of fish and chips! This dude tried to use his excuse for a hard life as an excuse to be a sadist. He liked fighting and reaffirming his self-esteem. There's nothing noble in that. Why perpetuate drama and hate? I know folks who went through more devastating and traumatic childhoods than "Mr. Feel-Me-And-Fear-Me". I know brothers, white folk, latin 'fellas, various asians, brazilians and pinoy cats that would take him out quick-fast; with or without weapons. Anyway, it's a little hard to believe, and even if it's true he didn't fight the cats I've known and trained with throughout my lifetime. Just another limey-teutonic beer guzzling, war mongering, panty boy. Oi!!! BTW, stupid or ignorant people fail to see the value in kata. How you gonna see what you can't even comprehend? "What is all this pyjama dancin'?" These folks train for glory, violence, braggadacio and validation. Wrong intent, for shore. It will bite you in the proverbial * in the long run, mate. "You cats ain't real, you're just a reenactment..."- Talib Kweli Cheerio!!!
  10. Shotokan, along with Kyokushinkai, are 2 of the strongest Japanese karate styles. As far as being able to use its teachings for real SD, I think you could. Most street thugs don't know how to fight anyway. If you already have some knowledge or experience with street fighitng it won't hurt you at all. Conversely, if you have no knowledge of street fighting it will only make you a better fighter. It is missing a lot, though, as the intent of Shotokan was to take a deadly Okinawan fighting art and make it conducive to training and developing school-kids in Japan to be stronger, disciplined and more physically fit. Discipline, speed, awareness and strength will get you far. Later you can learn relaxed technique. I train with many former Shotokan stylists and their kihon (basics) are very good. That is enough for most of us. Like any other style of karate, it won't make you a pro athlete level MMAs person. It is a solid and very external style. Linear attacks and physical resilience are its trademarks. Keep studying. As you go along you will notice positive transformations in your physique and character. When you reach first kyu or so then maybe you can think about comparing and contratsing it with other styles like Judo, GJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing or even its father styles Shorin and Goju. Good luck, don't be discouraged, find the truth in yourself, and train hard and smart. Peace...
  11. It's the opposite. You get more balance when you step ball of the feet down first. Watch ballerinas. Immaculate balance. They step this way. Maybe you're stepping heel first. It is natural to walk heel first, but when fighting you must adapt, in as natural a way as possible. Try stepping ball of the foot first. You know that is what cat stance training is for. It is not a true stance in classic karate, but a transition stepping tech. Also, your gi pants might be catching under your heel. Try rolling them up so they don't drag on the floor (if that's the problem). Hope this helps.
  12. That double arm elbow break/throw is an awesome interpretation of the upper/lower strike/block seen in Pinan Sandan. It's in the Naihanchi kata, too. Okinawan tuite is replete with devastating breaking, choking and throwing techniques. Traditionally there was no breakfall training in Okinawan karate. If someone wanted to get in close all you learned was a fast and sneaky counter, usually a throw that twisted, controlled and contorted various body parts, making breakfalls literally impossible or stupid. A typical example of a throw that could do damage to various parts of the body is seen in Matsumura Seito and other Shorin Ryuha versions of the kata Paisai (or Passai) Dai. After executing what looks to be a double backknuckle strike, an immediate lead right hand punch is performed (w/o chambering). It is done as you shuffle forward with your (lead) right foot. In actuality one of the bunkai for this is as soon as you set up the opponent with this right hand punch to the chin, your right hand grabs his right arm while your left grabs his hair (on top of his head) or his trachea (Adam's apple), tearing in opposite directions and using spiraling force to throw him to the ground, occiput (back of the head) first. Your legs end up in a renoji dachi or "L-Stance", as you turn quickly and face in the opposite direction, left leg forward right arm to your rear and bent fist up, your left arm to the front in a "low-block" position . When you used the right hand lead your right leg was forward, pressing against his lead knee (either right or left). This sets him up for the unbalancing (not necessarily trip/throw) that will tear every ligament in his knee if done with the right angle and positioning. No break falls allowed here.Plus it isn't really smart to try and judo breakfall on concrete. Especially the slapping the ground variety. This is the difference between Okinawan gyaku-te/tegumi/tuite, and Judo, JJ or other grappling arts. Pure E-V-I-L. This is an example of a control, unbalancing move/throw and submission all rolled into basically 3 movements in a "dance". Again you see the use of crossing vectors, and attacking the balance of your opponent, finishing with devastating consequences (like Pinan Sandan's cross-arm lock). Use your opponent to help you. Use gravity to help you. Use your understanding of physics to help you. No need to force the issue. No muscles or athleticism needed. This is what is in kata if you know how to interpret it AND if you preserve the traditional modality and techniques.
  13. If you met me in person, and could hear my intonation, inflection and points of emphasis then you would think otherwise. If you were to talk with me face-to-face you would find that all of my points are valid. I tell it like it is, but there is no malice involved. I just react to fallacies and naive attitudes with some measure of exuberance. You'd laugh at my delivery alone, and see the silliness of it all. I'm not angry, just perplexed. You guys seem to think that I made these rules up. If you look at the JKA, SKA (which, is by the way, in the USA), K1, Dai Nippon Budokai, Kodokan, the Okinawan Karate-do Renmei Federation or whatever Japanese or Okinawan MA governing body, you won't see one American Soke/GM on their board or council. Not A ONE. Ever. So how can I be a racist (you are so far from the truth it's ridiculous) when that is the reality of the Karate world's politics? I shouldn't be able to form a professional organization, if the credentials that give me that right, are questionable. Accreditation or valid licensing is necessary for any professional, learning institution or governing entity. Get out of your dreamworld. These other organizations are corporations. Even moreso than their Japanese counterparts. These so-called American Soke have their students promote them or they promote themselves. NO Grandmaster of any Okinawan /Japanese art, ever, EVER- passed on his menkyo kaiden or Sokeship to a westerner. Do you understand these things? Where are the checks and balances? Who is governing these too-numerous-to-count associations? At least the Japanese and Okinawan bodies have years of organizational experience and tenure behind them. An, yes, they are xenophobic to the max, just like americans. I have a feeling I'll meet some of you cats one day. We'll get to know each other and then you'll understand things with some extra clarity. Sorry if my responses have "attitude". I guess that makes me unique. That's a good thing. I won't offer my opinions or facts anymore. You punk-beeyotches know the real anyways. Putang Ena Mo!!! Have a gravy week, and don't be too status quo. It's boring and quite gay!!!
  14. Do you even know who Sensei Lindsey is? I sure as h e ll know who Koeppel is. I don't think he is fake, it's just that somehow he is the same rank (or higher) than his seniors, and that isn't logical. Lindsey didn't buy shite! He was the PRESIDENT of Kuda's Matsumura Kenpo Association. This isn't one person's word against another. This is the truth versus distorted reality. Kuda promoted Lindsey based on his dedication to and knowledge of Matsumura Seito. In fact he once said and this is a quote: "only Sensei's Lindsey, Tatum and Ohl are authorized to transfer the knowledge of my karate in America". The statement you mentioned earlier about better karate being stateside was directed towards these three senior students of Kuda. BTW one of Sensei Lindsey's students, this SHURI RYU "stylist", Phil Koeppel, was introduced to Yuichi Kuda through Lindsey. He'll tell you that Trias' karate is crap. That's why he doesn't claim it anymore. The rest is history! Koeppel's "BB" was from Shuri Ryu originally. Yep. Sensei Lindsey had been training with Okinawans (exclusively) since he was stationed on Okinawa in the 60s and 70s. He never stopped his learning and teaching (for meager amounts) and is going stronger than ever. Koeppel is neither a true 8th Dan, 9th Dan nor 10th Dan. Who did he train with and for how long? He trained with Lindsey sporadically and with Kuda, Nishihira, Kise or Soken NEVER. Not for any significant length of time, at least. It's good that he is making MSSR more popular, but what he does is quite flawed. You didn't know. Now you do. I'll leave it at that b/c it's better if people THINK they know the truth. It's better for those of us who really do, and train with reality, tradition, integrity and reverence in mind. Keep up the gullibility. Oh and the Hakutsurukan is Sensei Lindsey's dojo. I thought you would realize that another MS guy was on here, and your senior at that. That way you wouldn't put your foot in your mouth. It didn't work. Later Sherlock!
  15. This statement is beyond ludicrous. Real karate is NOTHING like kick boxing. Oh boy, karate is in a sad state. Kickboxing is sport and true karate is real life. One is nutrasweet the other pure sugar; swizz-eet! Karate is for self-preservation only and then if used, maiming and killing. Incapacitating in under 1 round's time. Ahhhhhhhhh! Go to the bottom of this reply and get this............... A FRIGGIN' CLUE!!!
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