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Everything posted by BudoKaiMéxico

  1. Hi! Im a traditionalist, how ever i think is good get olympics. The Referee Comitee of the WKF is fighting to keep the tradition into the competition. Keep the faith. (excuse for my poor english) Ilich Miguel Torres Fong (Budo Kai Karate Do) 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  2. Hi! Every kata is beautiful, im a practicioner of shito ryu, in my style i love annan, superimpei & kururunfa. In Shoto Kan unzu, empi & Goyushiho dai. In Goju ryu Saifa. in Wado wanshu. Thanks a lot. Ilich Miguel Torres Fong (Budo Kai Karate Do) 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  3. Fortozo: el 1er movimiento no es en naifanchin dachi, ya que esta es una kata de naha te y naifanchin dachi es una postura de shuri te ( espero no equivocarme, chécalo) Ilich Miguel Torres Fong (Budo Kai Karate Do) 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  4. Fortozo: Leíste mi respuesta en mi topic sobre Geki Sai Dai, de no ser así chécala. En cuanto a las escuelas sin Shihan, si bien es cierto que es ideal tener alguien que te avale (aparte de la Federación que es un aval oficial y por algo existe), también es cierto que siempre habrá formnas de seguirte asesorando como instructor y de poder obtener más y mejores cosas que aposrtarle a tus alumnos, porque que pasa si yo dejo de tener un mayor Dan? mis alumnos pudieran tener un tope si yo no estoy con un Shihan (aunque no necesariamente, ya que hay escuelas que hacen un consejo de sinodales) pero aún así podrían seguir aprendiendo. El tope de grado no detiene tu capacidad de crecimiento. Con esto no estoy diciendo que no sea bueno estar en una Organización reconocida, ya que yo soy orgullosamente parte de una. Ilich Miguel Torres Fong (Budo Kai Karate Do) 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México _________________
  5. R we in Karate to help us & help others? i think so then only try to explain him your perspective & the the situations offensives to you If he is smart & has a clear idea of the MA then he will understand it. If not take another partner to train & forget him. Keep in ur way. Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  6. I think it´s a good oportunity to grow...but we must remember who we r (traditional karate) I don´t like The process of the Traditional TKD to the Olimpyc TKD, but i think it´s a beautiful Sport yet. Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  7. I think u want to ask for shito ryu style? I practice this & i think it´s great (all styles r) Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  8. In my dojo we have no option..we wear the white gi...but this only for tradition It´s really important? if u train hard & u have good intentions all is ok Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  9. There r no girls & boys in Karate...in karate only r people who loves the karate & the other people All r good Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  10. OK..my respect for the shoryn ryu aknowledge...he studies hard...& it´s true, shitoryu has influence of the white crane kung fu style (u can see this in some katas) the basic principles of the shito ryu resume in the simplicity (u must to do the necessary movements , no more) forgot my bad english & i hope i can help u. Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Black Belt Shito Kai (World Shito Ryu Karate Do Federation) Center American & Caribbean Kumite Judge (WKF Panamerican Zone), National Kata Judge (México) Monterrey, Nuevo León México
  11. Uncontrol becomes chaos This is because we need Serious Federations and organizations Check the real? world organizations are only 1 for country to Karate, another to TKD, another to Judo, etc In Karate we have the WKF is the only recognized for the Olympic comitee, from this born the National federations & in this u can check the recognized Dojos, maybe some good dojos Dojos r not affilated, but i dont know another way to check it The Mc Dojos r a disgrace to Karate U train hard & forgot this people, the quality emerges Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate (WKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  12. the heavy bag and the makiwara have a spring and this keep the injuries out, but the wall can´t move ...and I love my hands, arms, elbows & shoulders (u love urs?)
  13. BudoKaiMéxico


    Maybe is an adaptation of the Judo Gi, but the Judo Gi may be is an adaptation of the Fisherman in Okinawa (i hear this i dont remember when or where)
  14. I have for training a SHIMBO Gi (Mexican Brand), when Fumio Demura Sensei llok my Gi he says "is like a Shureido, but not expensive) When I compete in Kata i use this but when i compete in Kumite i use my Adidas Grand Master Gi Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate (WKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  15. In Monterrey, México we have continuosly events with the WKF Rules (u dont say ur location) if u want to know about our calendar say it Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate (WKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  16. There r no better art...only better fighter Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  17. Hi First have 2 years in training after your last exam Kihon--->Basics Shuri te Kata---> Bassai dai Naha te Kata---> Seipai Bunkai of both katas Sparring Abs, Push ups...etc to check your condition Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  18. Hi Hear your sensei with attention & practice...after that practice again Its the only way Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  19. Hi If you r looking for a sparring class its not bad, but in my personal opinion a Karate without Kata is not a real Karate (i say in my opinion). How ever, good luck & go for your goals Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  20. Hi I think your choice must to be in relation with tour personality. Shoto Kan is a little more (how i can say it)... tense, hard, intense, looks very powerful. Wado ryu looks very relax, but is ot weak. How ever , if you feel one style is for you, then take it & the other people say doesn´t matter. Good luck Ilich Miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  21. hi LOL X) thanks! Ilich miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan BB Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation (WKF - PKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  22. Hi LOL Thanks! Ilich miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan BB Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation (WKF - PKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  23. Hi Some times, if u r hurry u need to move with the gi on. But its only an accident. The Gi is only a special cloth to train, ur art & the respect for it is in ur heart. I don´t say u must to be disrispectful with ur Gi but is not a drama wear it outside. But never wear ur belt outside, is not a drama too but many people see ur belt & u have some bullies looking for u to fight. thanks Ilich miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan BB Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation (WKF - PKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  24. Hi! Love it or hate it! this is a lot of people says, but i think is much more than this. Karate is a research of your own life. If u have not an answer in kata may be u aren´t training properly. The kata was designed to improve every one of your capacities (the mentals too) If u try another time and another and another but with a predisposition to have a bad attitude about the kata u never will obtain this u r looking for. But, if u really open ur mind & train with a real wish of improve then u can obtain a great surprise. Many people says I only need 1 year of this art to defeat a 6 year Karate Ka. This people r not a real Martial Artist, may be he can defeat me in a fight but this is not because he is better Martial Artist than me (may be a better fighter) but u wanna be a better person or a better fighter? Patience, humility and a lot of sweat. Ilich miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan BB Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation (WKF - PKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
  25. Hi! Yes & No We have a 10th Kyu for the Brand New Karate Ka At your 1st exam u can get the 9th or the 8th Kyu (Yellow Belt) The next degrees are: 7th --> Advanced Yellow Medium Degrees 6th--> Green 5th--> Advanced Green 4th--> Blue Advanced Degrees 3rd--> Advanced Blue (in competition is brown) 2nd--> Brown 1st--> Advanced Brown Ilich miguel Torres Fong 2nd Dan BB Shito Kai Central America & Caribbean Confederation (WKF - PKF Zone) Kumite Judge Monterrey, México
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