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vampio2001's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. While i cannot do a backflip. I can do a backflip running up a wall. This is much easier then it looks. Put ONE foot on the wall when running and swing the other around quickly and u do a backflip. Ilearned outside against my shed with a mattris. The one thing u have to remmeber with any flip is not to do it half-assed. You can't chicken out half way or u will land un your neck! Hope that helped
  2. So what would you recommend?? Which training do you feel covers a good portion of the playing feild as well as being a great challenge to the body?
  3. I have no "Training" In any formal art but i consider myself a decent fighter. Is it possible with self taught training to take on someone in a street fight with better trainging? Ideas?
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