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  • Martial Art(s)
    Goju, Shotokan
  • Location
  • Interests
    All Martial Arts

Dragonias's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. hi, ive been on here for ages but keep coming and going, i have a large lump on my knee, how ever it has healed, due to inactivity ive gained weight, and my old club as disbanded, im looking for a club in london, easy to goto i live in london, in the borough of haringey near tottenham and woodgreen, and was wondering if anyone could suggest a dojo worth checking out, all styles welcome. i welcome u to pm me aswell if u would rather not post incase of "advertising" and so on. a fast relpy would be well apreciated
  2. ???? absorb the blow? hmmm forgive me if im wrong but the whole point of self defence or fighting is usualy to cause more harm to ur opponent than what u get. for example a young teenage boy at my old class hit me on my arms and legs many times, as u would put it, i absored the blows, because he had no power behind his blows, but even a punch on one spot done a few times will eventualy become sore, especialy if ur against sumone with power and speed, ull absorb the blow then.?? no, u would block and move out the way and in so doing so moving around often in circular movements and using circular blocks to repel blows and enable a swift strike, but please correct me if im wrong
  3. one thing i was taught was learn the kata and then add urself to the kata if this makes sense, ie,certain elemts to the kata u can customize to suit u aslong as they are still with the kata, ie, in saifa in the last few moves, u are grabbing sumone by the head and bringing it towards u and snapping there neck, sum like to this fast, sum like to do it slow, i vary my speed in this i bring it in fast and then imagine resistance from the nck as it snapps in my hands so i use my own tention to bring this through, u might not understand what i mean or u might but hey just another lil thing i thought id say
  4. Hmmm, well, we tend to look at skill, dedication and take into account time aswell, how ever time shouldnt b too important, if u have a skill of a 10th dan black belt doesnt mean u should b a 10th dan, how ever i mean that, if we can c progress in ur movemnts thought and strength then we will look into grading u, not b4, we have to look for these increases b4 we grade, we dont look at the time diffrence, how ever there usualy is a standard time diffrence, but never do i look at a student and say three months and so forth
  5. Anyone can break a block of wood or a breeze block, woopty doo, good for, no offence i find that break these inanimate objects is lame, at the end of the day, if u can break sumthing that has no intent on hurting u, ur pathetic, it shows 0 skill, the use of a move on sumone who is intent on harming u, then u show sum sort of skill if ur able to deal with the situation by breaking bones with a single hit, how ever by breaking a piece of wood or a breeze block holds no great completion in my book, but hey sum of u might not agree
  6. I agree, i enjoy full contact how ever most are affraid of the physical asspect of being hit, how ever if and when i get the chance and sumone is willing to have full contact sparing session, i find people enjot it, due to the fact it tests ur abilitys, speed, strength, stamina and mentality
  7. i agree, look guys, try SHIKO DACHI with flat level thighs thats difficult, if u are unable to hold KIBA DACHI for 10 minutes, then start building those legs, when i was training on a regular basis i was able to hold KIBA DACHI for aslong as i wanted, KIBA DACHI was by far more testing, it pushed both mental and physical boundaries. also KOKUTSU DACHI and NEKOASHI DACHI are very nice stances aswell, good for building leg strength
  8. well b4 the preveiouse version of the club folded over due to circumstances we were originaly subarashii which ment brilliant, and so we dont realy want the same name again, and yeah i agree thats why im asking for help
  9. lol thank you for reading, lol
  10. saifa is a goju kata not shotokan, in the saifa u r learning what is the move count??? due to there are many impressions of this kata, depending on where / who u learn it from
  11. Seidokan has been taken up by and aikido club, i beleave way of the warrior is budo, i think how ever im not totaly sure, but thank u and plz keep giving ur ideas
  12. We are a shotokan and goju based club which enthesises strength, speed and stamina training, we also include flowing, smooth training. I am intrested in names and so one due to the fact its a starting point of a club, ie u need a name, and due to the amount of M.A's i was hoping for some help which sum of you have been kind inuf to do. thanks, and please dont stop with ur idea, its much apreiated. thank you
  13. actually i would, but id hope no one would b imature inuf to do that, im asking for help from one M.A to another, if ur response is childlike its shows ur outlook on helping others
  14. Dragonias

    New Club

    Hey guys, In need of help, could u give me sum names for a new club which is in process, (japanese only and an english translation and japanese caligraphy would b apreciated ) we have everything else sorted just that really and a logo for badge / and a badge if anyone would help? well if u dont mid lending a hand, pm me, will b much apreciated
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