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quigley_321's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I work in a music shop and play gigs around the city, I am a drummer it pays pretty good and I like to play music so it's pretty good. My band is trying to get a sponsor to take us on tour so cross your fingers Just thought I'd add this so one day you might see me Number 4 the name of our band.... not to good but uh it works
  2. San Soo was made for fighting, it has no rules or fair play. It teaches you to win a fight and nothing else, it shows you how to win at all cost, it doesn't take anything out it covers standing fighting to ground fighting kicks eye gouging biting you name it has it. This is a complete fighting art and is not for sport but for survival this is a fighting art.
  3. What are the differences? Similarities? How do each of them spar? What they use mostly. And anything you think would be helpful for me to know.
  4. Give some differences between your style of martial arts against kung fu and some similarities ( Compared against any style of Kung Fu ). So i'll give you alittle about Kung Fu so you have something to compare too here. Kung Fu usually uses soft blocks where you redirect the enemy energy to your benefit and it takes quite awhile to learn and the hits don't have to use alot of force just more in placement ( pressure points, nerves, weak soft spots in the body ) like a thing called Death Touch which will drop you to the ground ( believe me I've had it done to me by my Sifu doesn't really hurt but you drop like a rock and then prepare for a beating because you can't really move ) so just give me some comparisons thank you
  5. Well, karate is a hard style and depends on strength mostly, so if you went against a big guy like Mike Tyson and tried to block his punch straight on it might break your arm where as in Kung Fu the more power he used the power you would be able to use against him. So it's an opinon again, but just saying Karate is based on strength and Kung Fu is usually redirecting the force but not always they have hard blocks too.
  6. In Kung Fu San Soo do you spar full contact or just go slow mo through the move with light contact then go fast light contact?
  7. shi to-ryu guess it has SHI* in it so i can't say it so ya its that one
  8. a brutal love kicking in the groin art?
  9. Ok, I want to take a martial art for self defense and the ones in my area are Taekwondo, -ryu Karate, Shou Tsu Do Kung Fu, Judo, and Kung Fu San Soo. So I was wondering which I should take and should I cross train at the same time, just a little about my body type. About 5'2 and am fairly short for my age compared to everyone else and am kinda stocky but strong for my size. Thanks
  10. Do you spar full contact in Aikido like in Judo? If not how do you spar? And what are some differences between the two?
  11. How long does it take to be good in a martial art like Kung Fu? Alot of people say it takes about over 10 years to just learn how to use it.
  12. Ya some style are good for it others aren't just see which one suits you the best? What is your body type like?
  13. There was this time when the school bully wanted my money, so he stuck his hand out and grabbed my collar, i applied a wrist lock then a kick to his face followed up by a knee to his groin with an uppercut for dessert. Another one were was a punk at school was getting mad at me so he swung at me, it just grazed my nose when I moved back, I threw out a kick to his knee which he then gave me a punch to the gut but before he could pull his arm back I grabbed his arm and pulled in even more off balance and tripped him to the ground but on his way down he got me a kick just to the right of my boys but I managed to get ontop of him and started pounding the living ( no not the day lights just the living ) out of him, for about 15 punches I wailed on him until some kids pulled me off of him. But he was still lying on the ground his face swelling, bloody nose and mouth, his eyes were swelling to. All the time I was trying to regain my breath from the gut punch but the people that pulled me off were his friends so one of the guys started wailing on me, I managed to break free and give him a kick to the groin followed by an uppercut which knocked him down and ran off to the halls. LOL funny fight luckily I only had a little bruise on my forehead, the 2 of them had black eyes and fat lips. LOL shoulda got it on film like the rest of my fights. Another time before martial arts I got beat by these 2 guys who just started wailing on me, well they won the fight in terms of the most punches but at the end of the fight I had both of them on the ground kicking and punching them but I may have gotten the worse of it but lucky someone pulled me away before I killed them...
  14. Well from my understanding aikido doesn't always have to hurt the opponent but just stop them.
  15. When have you had to use your martial arts skills and how was the outcome? Let's keep the big talkers out of this
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