I'm one of the undecided ones, sometimes I feel that there is a God and then we go to heaven/hell - sometimes I think that we don't do anything and just decay. But there are many ways to look at the situation, from a religious point of view is the most common one. Now I don't mean to generalise but nearly every religion believes in a better place for the good and a worse place for the wicked. So in which case then there is nothing to worry about if you know within yourself that you have been good and tried to be good to others. The second point is the athiest point of view, this means that nothing happens after death and we just decompose. This view also cannot be bad cause if there is nothing, there is no pain, no hurt and no other negative things concerned with life. Then finally the scientific point of view, we are made up of energy and minerals. This energy must be passed on as energy cannot be destroyed and the minerals must go onto some type of evolution/re-incarnation. Whichever one it turns out to be then it can't really be that bad for us, I used to have a terrible fear of death which would keep me up all night, make me feel sick and occassionally still does. But in the same way when I grow old (I'm 18) I think I would be ready for it. At the moment I do not fear death, I don't believe if you don't fear death you are stupid or anything. I respect death which I find is the more important thing - it happens to all of us so we must just try and suceed within our selves in this life and when the next one comes along if it does we must just embrace it. I apologise if that doesn't make much sense - I'm tired.