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Everything posted by Blade

  1. Learn to spell idiot before you try to insult someone.
  2. That might be because they're made by the same company
  3. I don't know how i've never been stung, since i always swat at bees and have knocked hives down before.
  4. Not allergic, never been stung(suprisingly)
  5. I agree with King of Fighters about Canada, not too familiar with american laws.
  6. $1,620,000.00
  7. I have a rose hair tarantula, my mom and sister have 3 cats, we have a boxer puppy, and my dad has two aquariums.
  8. I haven't played the bruce lee game, but the reviews i've read all said that it sucked.
  9. I've never had any weapons, although kamas do look cool. I want to get a pair sometime.
  10. Midway hopes to release MK6 around holidays 2004.
  11. They made a street fighter 4? The last one i remember was sf3: 3rd strike
  12. Do a public demonstration.
  13. http://www.dongjakinstitute.com/sun_mu_sul.htm This has some info about it
  14. I'm not a seal, but i do play socom: us navy seals
  15. Some of the styles in MK DA were made up, and soul calibur 2 comes out for consoles in august.
  16. I wonder if duke nukem forever will ever be released at the rate they're going.
  17. In terms of story, it'll be half life 2 without a doubt. Graphics look to be doom 3, but you'll probably have to spend quite a bit of money to make your pc run it when it comes out.
  18. Traditional TKD doesn't use weapons other than your hands and feet
  19. Yoshimitsu is my fav tekken character
  20. Real ulitmate power's still up: http://realultimatepower.net
  21. Does anyone watch the new ninja turtles cartoon on saturday morning?
  22. I guess ignorance really is bliss
  23. Deus Ex is a mix of first person shooter and rpg and is awesome. It's 1-2 years old now so you chould be able to get it fairly cheap, but it's well worth playing. There's a sequel coming out late this year or next year, i forget the release date. Half-life is another good fps,although it's almost 5 years old and the graphics are really dated, but there are a lot of good mods(counter strike, day of defeat, etc) that you can download for free. It also has a sequel coming out this year(end of sept.)
  24. Anything but country or boy bands
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