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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Goju Ryu
  • Location
    Ont, Canada
  • Occupation

Solo's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. On average, I'd say 8 hours a week. Hopefully this year I can spend more time there.
  2. Solo


    My club (Goju Ryu) teaches Gekisai Ichi to White Belts and Gekisai Ni to Yellow Belts.
  3. I focus on helping not only myself learn to read the body properly and attack without conscious thought but I focus on also helping my partner. I help by purposely leaving an area open and such hoping my partner picks up on it. My partner does the same. No fighter is flawless and that's why we train to do our best and not to try and achieve perfection. But..If you're speaking technical, I guess I'd say hand blocking..I'm not sure haha I try not to concentrate on one specific thing, more of a variety
  4. Solo

    Shodan Grading..

    Thanks everyone. I agree makiwaraman, that's what our dojo has started this year. Instead of 'block' gradings where the whole class gets graded, if you're ready they'll tell you/test you. They only did 'block' grading with the younger white/yellow belt classes but.. It's changed now..
  5. Solo

    Shodan Grading..

    Thanks Conqueror. It's quite a shock to the system isn't it? I can't wait to talk with them tomorrow night..I was so nervous, dumbfounded..All emotions were on high at that moment lol
  6. Solo

    Shodan Grading..

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it..It's finally sunk in and I'm honored to have made it this far. Hearing my Sensei say "Welcome to the Family.." made me think. It really is my second family, I can't imagine my life without them. Once again, Thanks everyone I appreciate it. *bows*
  7. This morning I was surprised with a Shodan Grading. My Sensei presented me with my diplomas and my belt right after the kids, whom I've taught all year, were graded. The grading was a complete shock because I hadn't been 'officially' tested as were the other Senseis. He explained that grading me was easy, he had watched and evaluated me all year and thought that I deserved it. I'm still speechless, I don't know what to say or think at this point. I'm terribly honored to have been recognized as a Sensei. I know this simply means that I have taken on the responsibility of continuing to learn and understand the art which I have grown to love, and I intend to do so with honor. Anyway, I just thought I'd share a little bit of my Shodan Grading..I feel so..Honored right now that they chose to accept me into their 'family'. Like I said, I'm speechless..
  8. What does a Black Belt mean...Hm…From what I’ve gathered, it signifies the beginning of an endless journey towards the mastering of your art; physically, spiritually, mentally, and philosophically. However, I believe the definition of a Black Belt will vary even if an 'official' definition for it exist. Different styles, different personalities, and different factors influence every person's definition.
  9. It would be either one of these two men whom my Sensei has met/trained with before. He only had amazing things to say about both and it would certainly be an honor to have trained with either of them. Hanshi Richard Kim http://www.fightingarts.com/content02/graphics/kim_mem_05.jpg Master Morio Higaonna http://members.aol.com/iogkf/higaonna.jpeg
  10. Ah boy..I've hit myself quite a few times and ended up with nice little bruises everywhere. It only made me want to learn and train harder than ever..
  11. I'm a little late but Congratulations! I agree, there are many responsibilities attached to such an honor and I'm glad you recognize that. It proves that you deserve it. Once again, Congrats
  12. I am currently a College Student in the Police Foundations Program here in Ontario...Oh, and I'm a first year =P
  13. Van Helsing on DVD lol The movie was awesome...Anyone else liked it?
  14. You're not alone. I do this in class when the teacher is boring us to death, who knew College would be so...good for helping improve my techniques
  15. My apologies for such a late response. By the sounds of it, his strength, devotion, and faith will pull him through. I will however keep him in my prayers.
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