We have very similar problems in the UK. The olympic commitee only recognises one governing body. But this body does not hold the most numerical members. A similar problem occured when a fourth dan, recently made comments on the validity of my masters cirtification and authenticity. I have been training with him from day one and due to fighting requirements and missing gradings im still only a 3rd dan after 18 years of training, but I have seen with my eyes the Master take exams with highly respected Korean Masters and so on and so fourth. To cut it all short we practice the codes instilled into us from day one. Ettiquette, Modesty, Perserverence, Self Control & Indomitable Spirit. When following these, its difficult to reposte' such claims, but peices of paper dont seem to be worth the hundreds of pounds (euros?) they cost. In the end a belt is there to hold up your trousers. Respect the person not the belt colour. We all have to earn respect Black belts earn respect from white belts and vice versa .. Stoppy