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Varo's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I was curious as to the role of Hakama's in Martial Arts. I know that they where worn by the Samurai but are they still used today? Must one achieve a "goal" in order to wear it? Can one freely where a Hakama if they so choose? Just curious. Thanks for the information guys.
  2. Hello friends. I am new here and I just wanted a few suggestions. I am almost 18 and I have absolutly no martial arts background. I only know from what I see from movies, videogames, and anime. So that, obviously, is nothing. I guess first and foremost, I would like any suggestions on a school to start out in. I currently live in Lawrence, Kansas (USA). That's about 15 miles southwest of Kansas City if any of you need a landmark. I did a search on some of those sites a few of you gave around the boards and was not able to find any in my city. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Secondly, I would also like some suggestions on styles. I am not quite sure on what I would be interested in since I know nothing about MA. I am not in very good shape at all since i'm pretty much a computer geek at this point in my life. Both grappling and striking interest me. Sparring looks like a lot of fun, thought i'd throw that piece of information in there as well. Thanks for the help guys.
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