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  • Location
    in a world no one dares enter
  • Interests
    ki, fighting

dragonki1's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. ok, its been 2 years since ive been here, ive been in physical, mental, and energy training, ive kinda given up on the whole "Ki" thing saying that im now a teenager and ive out grown the whole focusing thing just dont have time, but when i do have time i try and sit down meditate, put myself in my own world and practice martial arts, Recently i got back into trying to practice ki, not the whole ki ball stuff but just making my body stronger mentally and physically, ive came to the conclusion that, ki is basically mental training, a visualization for meditation helping you focus on one thing, As if you were in a fight against a guy you would need to focus on his body, his movement, and not the little bird thats singing on the tree, also focusing on your "ki" before fighting helps ME keep cool and focused on what to do blocking, punching, my area and his, so basically just wanted to put my 2 cents in.. i am NOT saying that ki isint real ive just stopped on the projectile part of it and worked on the inner part. have any question please feel free to email me at Darkviper07@hotmail.com Or if you play xbox live *Halo 2* Im Darkviper07 on there bye and happy training
  2. some one asked me if music could effect ki i said yes and gave him a song that pumps me up Linkin Park Faith
  3. oops im sorry i didnt know i was in the internal section im just always in this so thanks for the help
  4. is there a way to put power behind your punch make it stronger
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