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  • Martial Art(s)
    TKD (but not for long)
  • Location
    western NY

the-wayis-noway's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Thanks for the reply. The web address is: http://www.tonyblauer.com
  2. I would like to get the honest opinion from someone who knows about, trained or has used PDR (Personal Defense Readiness) in a real life situation. Does it work? or is it a waste of time and money. I know Tony Blauer the guy started PDR is a bit of a lightning rod. From what I have read you either hate him or love him. So, leave Blauer out and just evaluate his system.
  3. I took some time and sat in and particpated in Aikido and Kali De Leon. both were very different in their style/technique and outlook from each other and TKD. Aikido was very circular and flowing many of the students had smiles on their faces reaching levels of intoxication while being thrown around the mats landing in a controlled fall. One student told me " it feels like flying I love it". It seems to me that Aikido is only limited by its tradition Kali on the other is not bound by tradition. Their is no uniform, no rule of engagement, and no creed other then to survive. It is very lethal, very effective and very brutal. There are no submission holds or wasted movements every move is ment to kill so you can engage the next person who will do you harm. I must admit I really like this art but I do struggle with its fatal nature.
  4. Thanks for all the great responses and ideas it has really gotten me to think about where I am and the path I want to take in Martial Arts. I think very highly of my TKD Master, instructors and people I learn from and train with. They run a top notch well disciplined academy. The master is of Chinese descent from malaysia and follows very traditional rules of respect and discipline. He demands that we have faith in the selected style and to not ask too many questions during training. I feel that bring up my concerns would be like a slap in his face and at the very least disrespectful. I just can't bring myself to do it. On the other side I have contacted a local man of Filipino descent who teaches his art in his spare time. He has a great passion for it and considers it a family art past down to him by his relatives. It's Part of his culture, heritage and family tradition. Sounds like the real deal, can't wait to see what its all about. The WWII combative looks intresting but not offered in my area.
  5. Do you think Aikido would be a good fit for me? I hear you only use your legs to stand on, no kicks! Man, I would realy like to find an art that feels right and that I could grow with.
  6. Please, what I am about to say is not meant to offend anyone or their type or style of Martial Arts. I have great respect for people who have trained hard and are the best they can be at their art. But.... I have been taking TKD classes for a year and half and have gotten very little practical real life fighting and defence experience from it. I am big have alot of power, high endurance(run 4-5 mile) and can take a pounding but I am slow, not very flexable have a poor turning kick, fair right side kick, poor left side kick and a good front kick and ax kick and a killer punch. During sparing the instuctor matches us up. only light contact is allowed no hits to the head(except kicks) or below the waist, no knife hand or back fist. So you might as well tie both hands behind my back, I got nothing to fight with. So I end up kicking a little he kicks a little and back and forth we go. This is a bunch of *. In real life I would have walked into his attact grabbed his leg from one of his many kicks run towards him while holding his leg and slam him into a wall or the ground with my shoulder, then punch the hell out of him on the ground. the fight would be over in 50 sec. Who needs TKD to defend themselves other then women and people of small stature? Here I though martial arts was this magic way of fighting. Boy was I wrong ok done venting, got to go catch a TKD class.
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