Hey all, I have had some first hand experience with some GKR students and teachers. First of all I have nothing against the style although it is quite new GKR is a mixture of Goju and Shotokan, those two styles appeal to me and as I understans GKR would be as well. The one problem with GKR is that the majority of the organisations are money grabbers, they are not in it for the teaching and probably are not dedicated Karate-Ka. I have spectated at a GKR dojo and was not impressed.. I was also told to leave, not very pleasant. I think the door knocking recruitment is unnesecary as usually the real enthusiastic students are the one that hunt for themselves. GKR also has made some of there own moves up and as I beleive is not recognised by the governing bodies of Japan. I also beleive that the main reason that GKR has so many wins at NAS tournies is because they have so many people. But still the style maybe good. ___________________ Don't judge a STYLE by the people that teach is, judge it by its roots and background