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Everything posted by Zdoshi

  1. So are some Goju People, espesially if there liniage includes Yamaguchi, and they still train the way he did in the early days.
  2. Zdoshi

    Gi color

    Our students, and assistance wear full blakc gi Full Instructors wear White Jacket, Black Pants Masters Instructors wear Red Jacket, Black Pants
  3. How an interesting question. Overall i would have to say yes karate is effective in a fight. I would also have to say no its not. See it depends on how you train. Do you train for sport, fittness, and interesting hobby, for perfection of character, or for combat. As mentioned in an earlyer reply karate gained acceptance in part because it comformed to the concepts of budo - martial way. but there is no reason you can not train in karate as a bujutsu - martial skill. The techniques in karate-do and karate-jutsu are the same (maybe karate-jutsu has a few extra) but the way the training is done for those techniques is very different. On another note a range on 1 metre is very static, when we train we train for range varying from almost 2 metres to grappling range(includeing some ground fighting).
  4. Living the Martial Way- Forest Morgan Great Book, fairly philosophical, but shows how to by philosophy into action Zdoshi
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