Hi, I'm doing Karate (WadoRyu) for about a year and have reached the 2nd Kyu (I know this is not much). But I'm getting more and more the impression, that Karate is a good "sport" but is not really effective in a fight against people who not actually use Karate. I mean that in a fight against another Karateka I would certainly be abled to block most of the "ordinary" techniques such as zucki, but what if someone does something unexpected like attacking with feet and arms at the same time. Another point is the distance to the opponent, in Karate there'S always a distance about one meter, but what if your opponent comes so close to you, that you can't really use techniques or block his attacks because Karate koncentrates more on fighting distant. So my question is, if Karate is as effective in self-defence as other arts (like Win-Tsun e.g) or if it is just a sport which techniques you can only use against other Karateka.