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    Bridge City, Texas
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bustr's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I've noticed that American point karate fighters stand sideways, lean backwards away from their opponents and rely on their lead hand and foot. American point fighters throw wild strikes at targets against which they would not be effective and frequently throw themselves off balance. Apparently this is an optimum approach but it looks like it would be suicidal in a street fight. American point fighting JKA, WSKA and WKF fighters stand up in a back stance and use reverse punches and rear leg kicks. They never use backfists. Their karate looks like karate and they look like they could defend themselves if the need called for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GrGu5NHqok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdDOuW8cm88 Is this caused by a difference in the rules? What are those differences?
  2. Does anyone remember this? Who was the American Indian guy who had this show? Anyone remember? It featured him and some kids in their early teens practicing martial arts moves to music in front of a Tipi and aired on one of the fitness channels.
  3. http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/pds/replyr.php?wh=tk&class=??|???&sno=1&z_sno=20 http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106182.asf http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106183.asf http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106184.asf http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106185.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106186.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106187.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106188.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk200106189.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk2001061810.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk2001061811.as http://www.taekkyonkorea.com/data/pds/2001/tk2001061812.as
  4. Scaramouche I know this is a few years late but here it is: http://wushusifu.com/ Whoops! I didn't see it in metalhead's post.
  5. Cybren Erle is a complete gentleman and will answer most questions. I've talked to him a few times. He is right up there with Bruce Siddle and William E. Fairbairn IMHO.
  6. http://taijiworld.com/download/RV.zip http://taijiworld.com/download/Free_books.htm
  7. "It's not what you know but how well you know it." If that were true then ballet would be a self defense art.
  8. MAR Are you looking for Scott Wong's school? He has some articles over at https://www.blackbeltmag.com but doesn't have a website relating to martial arts.
  9. Karate looks like kickboxing when too much time is spent on sparring with protective equipment thus allowing the gloves to be used as shields and restricting the ability of the fighter to use shutos grabs etc. The appearance of kickboxing is determined by the rules and equipment used.
  10. Not close by but you might find it informative. http://www.whitecraneinstitute.com/artsofcombat/index.htm
  11. BTW Let's not blow this out of proportion. The guy using the switch was using it to correct their stances like some of the teachers in the 1980s Hong Kong cinema. It may not be really physically abusive (although a lawyer might prove it was) but it is degrading to the kids and reflects the teachers insecurity. I guess riding herd over kids reinforces already huge egos. And of course huge egos are the result of soft training. The right training gives confidence balanced with an awarness of one's own real (not percieved) limitations. And the student of such training has no need to belittle or hurt children.
  12. "I believe you feel kids should master themselves before they attempt to master the art. But do you believe that maybe the art may be the key to teaching them to master themselves?" I believe that you must not have read my post. I said that I like to keep the class moving quickly. I wouldn't expect children to hold a horse for a half hour or even 5 minutes. When I teach they are constantly moving. They can ask questions after class. However, I'm constantly correcting their moves and making sure they understand so questions are few. If they're not moving then I'm constantly talking repeating what I've told them and reminding them that although I'm flooding them with info I don't expect them to remember everything and I'm only flooding because of their superior performance and understanding. So basically positive reinforcement, a fast pace and repetitive instructions are my strategy. The students I teach may not have birthday parties in their pajamas but they have clean powerful techniques which might actually work when it counts and they actually have the discipline and tenacity that these babysitting services like to use as selling points. You are right about the legal part and I accept your admonition there. This org generally likes to settle things with lawsuits because it's the only way they can win at anything.
  13. Sens55 I've dealt with people from that org and they are generally closed minded and self-righteous. Even a good beat down (as one of our green belts gave to one of their black belts) doesn't convince them. Anyone who sees through their line of bull usually leaves the org right after getting to BB. Then they search out training partners from legitimate orgs. The person who told me about the switches was a very credible witness. "And Bustr, that doesn't mean a school can't be serious. The kids classes are for the kids and the adult classes are for the adults. The goals are different. The focus for most kids is to learn discipline and focus." I understand that. I noticed Zulfi Ahmed's school on that page. I would hardly catagorize him with these other guys. However it is still bloody embarassing that the general population now views karate as child's play rather then adult discipline. I'm all for kids training and having fun at it. But they can at least train with a decent level of intensity (You know, the kind you see in little league baseball and football). Personally I like to keep the class moving quickly since children have a short attention span which no amount of switching or belittling will cure. Also I think the parents like it when they go home tired. Parties for the class are okay too. But offering a "karate birthday party" to the general public? What kind of business are they in? How about offering open house instead? At least then it wouldn't come across as a daycare. But then again that's what some of these people are running.
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