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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Karate, judo and jujitsu.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Jesus Christ, The Bible, Karate.

Sho-ju's Achievements

Red Belt

Red Belt (8/10)



  1. In my dojo [shotokan] we do kata, basics and kumite, lots of knock down kumite. We also place great emphasis on bunkai.
  2. I looked it up in Kyohan, it's different then both examples given in the op.
  3. Someone wrote the video looked more shorinji then shotokan? I've been taught to move the front leg when using yakuzuki, I noticed the folks on the video moved their back leg out to punch...never put much thought into it...which leg do you move when powering out a yakuzuki?
  4. I’m interested in learning Ten No kata, it’s not part of the shotokan I’ve learned but read a description of it, viewed a free online video and thought it would be good practice for my students. What I need to know is this description given on the link accurate? Is the video accurate? They're both different. http://www.wmma.com/index_files/tenokata.htm http://www.uga.edu/karatedo/video/tenno.kata.html What are some key factors to keep in mind when practicing this kata? Is a reaction hand used [when you begin to step forward does the non-attacking side go out in front as a reaction to the opponent]? How many different ways of performing this kata exist? Thank you, OSU!
  5. Sho-ju

    Favorite Kata

    Hummmm.... Hangetsu for breathing. Ananku for shifting and speed. Bassai Dai for explosive power. Wankan No Tekko for raw power. Bassai Sho for balance.
  6. Examine your persuppositions first to see if this is a valid starting point. Peace
  7. Try https://www.stickfightingworld.com Thanks for the links Jay! I'll make good use of them.
  8. Sorry, I should have mentioned the style of tai chi up here in Canada that calls itself 'Taoist Tai Chi.' It's a style on it's own created by a Taoist monk named Moy Lin-shin. Here's a link: http://www.taoist.org/english/about_us.php
  9. Anyone study the cane? Any suggestions on DVD's or online video I can peek at?
  10. What are the different styles of tai chi taught today? In Canada, I see alot of Taoist Tai Chi, how does it differ from other forms? I've learned 3 movements and have to admitt, it's one of the hardest workouts to perform. It's not physically difficult, but mentally difficult. I find it hard to slow down, the balance required really helps to give the helps and legs some work. Does anyone on this forum study Tai Chi? Which style? Peace
  11. I personally use a boxing stance and switch from the single to a double grip often. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4933/bataphoto.html
  12. http://www.geocities.com/glendoyle/bata/index.html Rince an Bhata Uisce Bheatha (pronounced rinkan watta ishka vaaha) is Gaelic for Whiskey Stick Dancing.
  13. We do full throws, sweeps and takedowns. Light ground work with mma gloves. Shotokan is a great base to work from but most schools never take it beyond the marching 24 wrote about.
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