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  • Martial Art(s)

Smiler's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Smiler

    Hard choice

    I'm currently attending two karate schools, a shotokan club and a wado ryu club i like the styles very much. Shotokan's hard style and wado ryu's more flexible style. I love to incorporate the two styles . But now i have two give up one school because of the cost and because my mum cant bring me to both clubs every week. I cant decide which club i like best so i cant choose . I was just looking for other peoples opinons of the two styles to help me with my choice.
  2. Smiler


    I do shotokan and wado ryu the sensei's at my clubs don't stress that people call them sensei but by their first name- in class to. I just want to know if anyone out there have sensei's that do the same? i find calling them by their first name in class un as an old sensei of mine give out push up to people who called him JJ.
  3. At my shotokan club for each belt you have to have attend 24 classes but grading are usually 3 months apart to give everone a chance to attend 24 class. Although you can't grade if our teacher decides you can't, a lot of the older belt choose to not grade for 6 months at a time. I was luck and got my 7 kyu in 3 months as there were two grading, one for the lower belts and one for the higher belts (8 kyu +) but my teacher though i had improve so much he let me grade at both.
  4. THanks for all your replies, i feel less scared to go and try the class out.
  5. I recently got i leaflet on jujitsu and i've being doing a shokan karate so i thought about starting, i check out their web site, i saw some pictures. im not very tall and the pictures of a guy being toss scared me a little. im 15 and i found out i would be training with the adults. I bit afraid to start. is it really is scary as it looks?
  6. I recently got i leaflet on jujitsu and i've being doing a shokan karate so i thought about starting, i check out their web site, i saw some pictures. im not very tall and the pictures of a guy being toss scared me a little. im 15 and i found out i would be training with the adults. I bit afraid to start. is it really is scary as it looks?
  7. the sparring made me very nervous as i had to take off my glasses and i cant see far with out them. So when we were sparring i could see her hands but i mange to block a few punchs. i olny did one kick as i couldnt see her when she moved back but as i couldnt see her hands she beat me. The katas i had to do were the khion kata and the heian shodan im pretty good at these ones so the event wasnt that bad once it started . I was hoping to get doing the heian neidan but you can olny do up to your belt level.
  8. just like to say i got first in the kata
  9. im a orange belt in shotokan karate and i have my first competition at the week end. im girl so i have only a few fights but i want to know is it ok to hit an opponent hard as when i sparr with the purple belt (the only girl near my age) she hits really hard. if you have any tips when fighting please tell me.
  10. Smiler


    Whats your style?
  11. Smiler


    Thanks that explains it
  12. Smiler


    I do shotokan karate and the belt ranking id white, orange, red, yellow, green, purple, purple 2, brown, brown, brown and black for the dans but i have been looking at a lot of site of different styles and i know belt ranking will change but theres a lot of belts with strips on them and most of the moves need to go with them are only half grades? and theres about twice as many belts as of the normal 10 kyu. is this just for younger students or do senoir stundents do this to? is this because there a different styles? other sites the colours are different but the moves need are full grades. please hely me understance
  13. I do shotokan karate and am looking for a simler type of MA but with throw and such. I heard Jiu-Jitsu was the best type. What is your opinion?
  14. You is it was shotokan karate i do that i found this web site its has all the katas on it if thats a rel one it should be here http://www.ozwebart.com.au/kua/kata.htm
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