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Everything posted by Spirit
This response might be a little late but, rather late than never. If you are thinking, japanese Goju, and you are asking about Shiko Dachi it means "Sumo stance" so think about the sumo wreastlers in japan and thier stance. But be careful not to confuse what they are saying about Sanchin Dachi which is shoulder length apart. You might be confusing the two:> Just thought it might help, question where do you train, in Canada?
I thought about going then i came up short at the last moment so you know next time. Spirit
NInja Nurse has said it best that you need the maturiy and responsiblity behind the belt. My Organization does not give any black belts out to anyone under the age of 18, most students who are blue at 16 have to wait till they 18 before they can test and the same for some one who is 15 and is blue but still has to wait.. In the organization i belong to Black Belts are expected to take on greater responsibilty at the dojo and the organization as a hole.. Besides it builds character when you have to wait for a a period of time before getting you Black Belt. Makes you a better person... Spirit
HEy all My Sensei is a women and is a Sandan and she is the best Sensei i have ever had and she is the best female MA i have ever seen. Spirit
Hey all I practise Japanese Goju Ryu, if ya want to talk leave me a private message and i will give ya my email. :> By the way in Japanese Goju we learn about three different versions of Sanchin, I've learned the first one. :> Cheers SPirit
Hello I study (as far as i understand the ryu kyu Kobudo) from the teachings of O'Sensei Kim from my Sensei's Sensei who study under him. Leave me a private message and i will give you my email and i will talk to ya. Spirit
Hi all Good topic/thread going on, lets see about cleaning some things up a bit. Well their are some minor and major differences about the two arts, first you can distinct the two by thier stances, japanese goju has long stances while Okinawan has shorter, the difference appears mostly in the Zenkutsu Dachi stance. The other factors, are that Yamaguchi Sensei (ase stated before) incorprated free sparring, but he also incorparated yoga and the breathing aspect of ones ki energy. Thier are other factors like the fact that since most Okinawans are by genetics much smaller people than japanese they worked more the upper body, while the japanese worked the lower body much more. The big differences comes in the Kata's and the way they are performed, thier are differences in the body motions and the way a kata is performed. BUt thier are some Katas where it is only the hand movment s that make the difference in the kata. Depending on the type of person you are, either one will appeal to you in its different ways.. Okinawan Goju is much more rigid than Japanese Goju, so each like i siad will appeal differently to different people and their tastes. THe Spirit lives on Spirit
Hi all Well back to another topic/thread, that seems to have interseted some people. My first question is why would anyone that is a MA even consider, discusing death blows or killing techniques outside of the dojo or even less for that matter wish to know how to apply them.. We all know as Martial Artists that, we do not study the arts to be able to kill some one, we study the arts to better ourselves internally and externally and for some people it might be as sport or as self defense, BUT NEVER TO KILL Yes, i understand that some people are curious about such things but, we have to remeber that, if you only want to learn how to hurt some one please go else were other than a dojo, because your spirit's intentions will be known. We all take for granted (even myself some times) that we are studying something that is thousdans (spelled it wrong sorry) of years old that was developed for self defense never to kill. The only time any one has killed some one, has been as a last resort nothing more, nothing less. Secondly and lastly, what type of martial spirit do we show when all some can do is talk about killing some one or wanting to know how to hurt some one. Be very wise in what you say in these forums because you dont know who is watching and taking notes for their own purposes. That is why these type's of things are better left in the dojo where they belong. Besides, you never know some might be watching this and asking themselves what type of people are they if all they can do is talk about killing people. Just wondering if that crossed anyones mind thats all! Thats it... I'm done. Spirit
Hello, all Interseting thread going, but in the process some people have lost site of a few things. First, you either like doing Kata or you dont like doing Kata. Second It does not matter what style of MA you study every style is different, even thought all MA have common roots in history dating back centuries ago. So, for people to stand back and say one is better than the other is useless and serves no purpose but to take away from the martial spirit of this topic/thread. Third, the one thing that people forget (which has been stated before) is that Kata trains your subconsuios (spelled wrong sorry) to react before you act that way thier is no thinking just action.. Think of it this way, before you started traiing your Kata's, the glass from the cuboard would fall when you open it every time and you would jump out of the way. Well after doing your kata and training for awhile you catch the glass without thinking. To put a better point to it all, Karate practioners should know this one but some don't i think, Gichin Funakoshi said it best when he said" The ultinate aim of the Martial Arts lies not in victory or defeat. Instead it lies in the perfection of those who participate." What does it matter if one art can beat the next, it really doesnt we all train for different reasons and we all enjoy it for different reasons, thier is more than just the kick and the punch its what you feel inside of you, and the ones that teach it to you. Fourthly, Where ever you go in the world the training from dojo to dojo or organization to organization will be different. No, two places are the same, some will train harder than others and some will train litter than others. You will more likely train harder and more fercily (sorry wrong spelling) in a country say like Trindad than you will U.S or will train harder any where in South America than you will Canada. Reason being those people face death, rape and everything else on a daily basis. So think about who is the one who might just fight harder the one attacking you or the one being attacked. You must also take into acount the laws of that country in which you train, because some are stricter than others or the law in that country or province of that country looks badly on certain methods used in training, so each organization must change to fit the situation. So before you start comparing all the arts and what they can do and how hard they train remeber that alot of people live the arts every day and train every day for there lives, no matter the art they train in. To finish up, (sorry for taking so long) the more you put into what you do no matter what MA you do the more you will get out of it. Stop asking the questions and enjoy the ride for what it is worth.. THe destination is not as important as the adventure getting thier. P.S- Answer me this, if a person puts in 10 years of Karate-Ka training and the other person puts in 6 months of Muay Ti and 6 months of boxing who do you think will get the most out of what they have done. P.S. One more thing in japanese "Shodan" or first degree black means the first step or begining. So everything you do from white to brown is basically basics for black or preparation for black. Thats it.. Apoliges for taking so long Stacy