Hello, I'm Chelle and I'm 17 years old. I'm quite interested in learning a form of martial arts, but am quite naiive with the subject. I found this site with the aim of finding out some information about the different types of martial arts. I have no idea what would be best for me to learn...I have no real purpose in mind for learning a martial art, although I would very much like to learn the skills and accquire a certain degree of self defence. Initially, I thought kick-boxing, but my boyfriend got concerned over the violence involved. I could learn karate perhaps, but there's just so many different types of martial art, I have no idea of the differences between them all. Also, another thing that concerns me is my demeanour. I'm a small person, slim and not that strong. I'm also very light. Are all of these factors going to mean I'd be useless at a martial art? Thankyou for taking the time to read this, I'd greatly appreciate some advice! -Chelle