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Everything posted by Carson

  1. I am 12 years old and i have my first degree black belt. At our school we have a system in which you get your full black belt if your 16 eyars old or over. But, If you are under the age of 16 you can still get your black belt. the only difference is that the belt has a white stripe through the middle. All of the students at our scholl who want to become black belts have to pass our 2 day test. if you can pas that im sure it doesnt matter what age you are.
  2. After i passed my black belt test or sensei made us wear white belts for about 2 weeks or so, to get us to remember where we came from. I think it's a great idea and it was also pretty cool to be able to go back to our white belts:)
  3. i have 1 pair of tonfa.....two pairs of nunchuku and im getting a bo pretty soon
  4. i like kamas but i also like tonfa theyre pretty versitile
  5. i think the sword is the most effective weapon out of those choices. i mean couldnt it just cut a bo in half?
  6. it's like music to my ears by the way i think super power and bushido make pretty good quality heavy gis (even if you don't like them you should give em a try). i think they make light weight gis to but i dont think theyre as good quality as the heavys but theyre still pretty good and comfortable
  7. i find sidekicks much easier to kick high than roundhouse kicks....but that doesnt mean my roundhouse kicks cant go over my head
  8. exsactly what i was gonna say!
  9. i find side kicks my favorite because its the most defensive and offensive kick. i am still working on my sidekicks but right now i can kick well above my head
  10. my first Dan test is in a month...ITS GONNA BE THE HARDEST THING EVER!!!!!
  11. i love my heavy GIs. i have one instructor one which is blue and has a black stripe on the color part and i have a white one for tournamentsand belt gradings. i find that the heavy gis hold up so much better than the lightweight. and you gotta love that snap that the heavy gis give ya
  12. does any body go to canadas best? its one of the greatest schools ever
  13. I have a 3rd degree brown belt in karate which is half black and half brown....i am currently going for my black belt at the age of 12
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