Shorin Ryuu : I respect your reason for choosing karate, each karateka has its own reason, for me the self defense is only a benefit, not a reason... It is something extra that I gain while practicing other more important things . I have to admit that I don't see much chance to be threaten by a gun in my surrounding (more likely to be hit by a car or terrorist suicide attack) If it was different I might put self defense in higher priority. about 15 years ago I lived in Sao Paulo in Brazil, and a gun was aimed towards me in a very short distance which a well trained karateka might have the chance to handle ,at the time I was familiar to karate only from movies, I stopped immediately the argument we had, left him with what he wanted and went way. I would have done the same even if I was 5 dan ! what have I lost? my pride? depends on your point of view (I am proud to be smart). what could I lose? probably my life... now , you might have tried to disarm the guy, if u succeeded , u earned your pride (again, depends on someone point of view). if you didn't , and hit the gun and a bullet hit a passing by child ? or yourself if u r not good enough (how can u tell if u r ?) put it on a balance and the conclusion is simple. u might say "it depends on the situation", I agree, but u will be too exited to get the whole picture right and too little time to think about a safe reaction. If you trained yourself to attack when u see a gun u might do a big mistake ! by the way, didn't Funakushi teach to avoid fight anywhere its possible ?