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Batosai Imora

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Martial Art
  • Location
  • Interests
    sex, women,money, working out
  • Occupation
    Martial Artist

Batosai Imora's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. and if you weren't illiterate we may get somewhere, and i have been debating them too bad you are too immature to debate since you are an opinionated little punk, but since i am a man i will to pick up the ball and continue playing , if anyone wants to it is up to you
  2. and if you actually had some sort of intelligence in the matter of martial arts or more importantly life in general we could all benefit from , face it you are a small player in this game play your part son
  3. yo Dijita i never said i like to fight i only fight when i have to ,like right now, you have no martial spirit, your nothing, i have goals in life why don't you go out and buy one right now you creep
  4. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/seagalaff1.html, heres another site and aefibird i do not dislike all action stars i wonder how an idiot like you could assume that, i like bruce lee and jackie chan they are real martial artists not con men, and steven segal is not cool man if you read this bundle of info thank you
  5. kle1n if you had any brains you would know who is real and who isnt, how are you so sure if he can fight , its sad you cannot tell from the masters and master fakes but hey if you quit watching 3 ninjas and ninja turtles and fight a real fight maybe you will come to grips with reality i hope you wise up,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Seagal, that discussed stevan segal, he also got beat by gene le bell aint that something, i looked up on abuse and it has been remored that abuse was in the relationship but i cannot back it up with paperwork at this time, but when i do i will post it, so i am not wrong yet.
  6. drunken monkey moving for you is essential since you run away from your fights, i do not movement is important yes but so is learning to punch and block and so on, wise up kid you still got a lot to learn, i do not need to know my likely reactions to my pucnhes i just hope there are some pat least two or three people there when i fight so i dont kill the guy.
  7. well let me point out a few things, Drunken monkey you are the perfect example of a ninja turtle wannabee, i am a warrior i might be brutally honest but i do not lie, now if you could understand what i was citing from bruce lee maybe you wouldnt seem to be such an idiot, you want me to tell you about my experiences in fights well ok i will tell you, the last fight i was in the man i fought went to the hospital, he was 6'4 250lbs and had a tazer on him , it took me only ONE PUNCH to put him away, i showed him i wasnt scared of him and he went runnin like a coward so there is my fight if you want to know anymore ask me, by the way every man who messed with me got beat, i haven't been beat just to let you know, i am not a tournament fighter, and yes i have fought a tkd fighter more then once with kicks and puches and i have won every time , i fight for real when i have no choice, you kid have a lot too learn, so for your sake you better put up or shut up,Fat Donkey you better understand something, who CARES about breaking ice and cinder blocks, no self respecting martial artist would be scared of those kind of people , i do not admire any style unless it is something that works against REAL FIGHTERS please do not compare a bunch of Frauds to real warriors you will learn someday, if you want a real fight fight a boxer and you will see what i mean about real warriors, Dijita i will agree with you kicks can be effective for distance but punces are faster and more damaging overall, if you don't believe me there fight a boxer and you will come to grips with reality, delta 1 i will state what i have experienced in fighting tkd fighters, i have fought with many of them most in their twenties and i have beaten every one of them their kicks are swift yes and even strong in their right but they are easily telegraphed and easy to block and get inside i have no problem fighting against them, one hit isnt going to slow me down and most dont know how to puch because they never work on puches, i do so they better prey to god that they kill me because if i break their offense and get inside its LIGHTS OUT, i hope i made myself clear thank you delta
  8. i am thinking REALISTICALLY , i know people who have trained in martial arts since they could walk that could not beat some people i know who never had martial arts training, so becoming a good fighter doesn't just include a lot of training , it's how you train, and what you train in, and your skills you have as a warrior, these days i will be honest with you dojos don't teach martial arts but martial nonsense, "mcDojos" if you will, not all of them but most of them do sad to say, you have to train not only in kicking but in every possible angle of fighting because lets face it you are not going to fight the same everytime you have to learn to use everything you have, not to limit yourself to one style
  9. rocky marciano was the only undefeated heavyweight champ 49-0 with 43 of them by ko, he is the best in my opinion his record still stands
  10. segal might know aikido, but it doesnt mean he can really apply it in real life, nor can he really fight the only person he could beat up is his ex wife, ooops he already did
  11. yea tkd works in fights, if that fight is in a video game, gimme a break , i would love to know what kind of fighter u were against in that "fight"
  12. it was great to see tarver whoop jones' punk a** once and for all, tarver was the better fighter period i was for him all the way
  13. I seriously doubt that any martial art works for street fighting Guyanson_Mendiola and i will tell you why, tae kwon do will not work in a street fight because they don't know how to punch or how to throw any technque and most of these so call martial artist never been in any kind of fighting outside of a point sparring match, judo wouldnt work totally because it lacks any outside game and cannot throw or roll with punches, and i doubt any of them could adapt to a street fight, most would be petrified to fight a real warrior even these so called masters, because they only train for tounaments, not fights , see what i mean, enough of the fantasy let's get back to reality, if you do not believe me fight a boxer, or street fighter and you will see what i mean.
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