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Everything posted by Anduina

  1. Maybe training with bag will hepl you. Flexibility is very important, but without technique and power your roundhouse will doesn't have any sens.
  2. In Kyokushin you can do mae geri on the face? I'm not so sure. I have got the same problem. My jodan mawashi geri was only a touch when I was fighiting with somebody. But later I sow tahat I can't kick with a power. And I changed my training. Now it's much beter. But you must remember that in real situation(on a street, for example) high kicks are very danger for you. High kick is slower and it's easer to intercept. And you less stable like you say.
  3. Karate etiquette does come from Japan. Everybody knows that. But Karate come from Okinawa. And Okinawa for years was occupated by Japan. And peoples from Okinawa dosen't like Japan. And Okinawa was more connected with China. And on Okinawa wasn't something like "dojo etiquette". There was a Master who teached one or two students. But this Mater was for example fisherman and he doesn't change his clothes to give a lesson of karate. And when Funakoshi started to teachinig karate in Tokio japanish peoples introduced "dojo etiquette". So "dojo etiquette" is connect with Japan, but karate come from Okinawa not from Japan.
  4. OK today TKD maby isn't the most effective but I think that is becouse most of clubs practise only to started in competitions. TKD is an olimpic sport(WTF). But there are a few places where TKD is a good MA. And you can't say that Choi Hong Hi "had no idea what he was doing". He was very good fighter and teacher. He mixed Taekyon and karate And his TKD was a hard school of live and MA.
  5. My instructor is a strange man. It is very hart to tolking with him on privat way. And I must looking myself
  6. I can do splits, but only becouse when I was a little girl(5-15 years) I was dancing in a group. So now it isn't any problem A little bit of warming up and I can do what I wont
  7. Thanks everyone for yours advice. Thing is that I don't have any choice. In my town there is only TKD ITF and All Styla Karate And I'm practise both . But I wont to know something about this system. Who is author? How it should look like? And thinks like this. BTW I think that peoples look different things in karate. One - efficient, another- japanish culture or art, or something else. Every reason is good to training karate
  8. What can I say? I have trained TKD for a year, and karate therd year. And one thing that I can say that parts of poomose/tull are very similar to kata. Even all forms are similar, for example Heian(Pinan)II and Won-hyo. I thing that is becouse Choi Hong Hi has lerned karate and he even had black belt.
  9. If you start training, for example box, maybe your parents will see that karate isn't the worst thing that you can do btw I like box
  10. Do you heard something about All Style Karate? Whot do you think about it? Thanks in advance for answers
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