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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin Ryu, kickboxing

BeefcaketheBarber's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. it works like a typical college online class as you would email or send a message to the instructor, responses are emailed back the next day or same day depending in what part of the week you are in. What makes it easy is the curriculum is already organized and pre recorded, so as a student, you have the privilege of viewing the individual lessons pertaining to your belt as many times as you would like or need. There are certain assignments and progress trackers. The instructor pays attention to detail from based on the example on YT test vid I have seen. They often have live classes which you can join in as a student, there is a side chat on the side where u can ask questions or make comments in real time so you can get immediate answers (basically streaming). a student can not move forward to the next belt or lesson untill the required training time, assignments, testing is completed. Im not at the sparring part yet, but its encouraged to get training partners or bags etc.. I think the main goal is to get the core basics down. They do teach self defense techniques etc. Id say check out some of YT vids they have for free to get a glimpse of the program.
  2. I actually signed up with GMAU and so far it has been excellent!! I took some TKD when I was younger and I can attest that I get much more out of this style of learning than I did when I attended a in person. GMAU is run like a online class and the instructors are very responsive, the page navigation is on par with your typical online college classes. The curriculum is well organized and you definitely have to put in your work to excel as they check you on your progress. I have yet to submit a test, but there is a example on YT of a student receiving feedback from the instructor about the test the student submitted, the instructors feedback was very thorough as if you were getting critiqued in person. I am genuinely happy with the program and can see this as way to connect students from all around. Rank is earned and accredited through their own organization but I can care less if its Kukkikwon or not as there are certain practices of the Kukkikwon I found that I don't agree with (thats just my personal opinion) Im confident Cyber TKD is just as good, Its just that I ended up going through GMAU initially. I might check out Cyber TKD after I complete my GMAU course if I choose to continue training TKD in the future.
  3. I think Karate has as equal amount of grappling techniques as striking, it would be great if it was trained to a greater extent. I agree that Karate (or most martial arts for that matter) has always been a product of someone evolving the art and how its trained. Some Karate styles are mainly striking focused, but some are tuite heavy with little striking techniques, and some have all elements but in pieces. There are Shoto styles that incorporate Nagewaza, suwari waza, and Torite to even progress in rank. Point being, the techniques are there.. it be great to eventually see all these elements trained and utilized to a farther extent rather than just being a part of your typical “ Bunkai technique for todays class” and soft back and forth attempts on a partner. Jiu jitsu had some criticism for not having striking or not being able to take strikes out of the general sport ruleset (a punch will turn a black belt will turn into a white belt saying..). Then eventually “Combat Jiujitsu” came out and some bjj test are incorporating striking or defending against strikes as a part of the exam.
  4. I wish Karate would evolve and add full resistance grappling as a part of the practice. It would be pretty neat if a style was made with the the best striking from the Okinawan/japanese styles, best kyoshi jitsu, judo newaza/BJJ for ground. Training with resistance to the extent that most grappling schools .. Im a fan of Roy dean BJJ belt test videos on YT, I fantasized seeing Karate test like that using all the possible grappling moves from kata etc.
  5. I was looking at GMAU for their TKD program and their instructors are Kukkikwon cert. With the ranking - I know there is a big debate of distance learning vs in person. I personally dont have a problem accepting rank for my abilities or achievements in the art I decide to train. GMAUs training is excellent, I learn alot by their detailed vids. Getting back to the Shorin Ryu- The Shorin Ryu program has great reviews on amazon (all 5 stars). People genuinely enjoy the program and get something out of it from whats posted I like this one “I studied karate several years ago, but had to give it up do to the demands of job, family, etc. I decided a few years ago to try to find a way to get back into it. Luckily, there are now several self study martial arts programs available. After looking at several and even trying another program, I contacted Renshi Vellucci about this program and gave it a try. I found the program was very well organized, and the DVD's were very well balanced between simplicity and completeness. (I've seen others that try to explain so many theories and applications that they become confusing and impractical, and others that simply teach you how to run through some kata, which is only helpful if you have another way to learn the applications.) Vellucci was also helpful with my training, and gave extremely thorough feedback. I recently earned my black belt after about two and a half years of training and hard work (could take more or less time for you, depending on whether you've had any previous martial arts experience, and how often you train). I've recently started attending (occasionally, schedule permitting) a local karate class with my two boys, and I can tell you that my skill and knowledge of karate, although a different style, is certainly at least comparable to the first degree black belts in the class, so I feel Vellucci's program has delivered exactly what I had hoped for. If you are considering this program, I have a few points of advice: 1) You will get from the program what you put into the program. This is a great way to learn karate on a flexible schedule, but if you treat it as a "short cut" then you're cheating yourself. 2) You don't need a partner for most of the day to day training, especially at first as you learn the basic techniques, but to really get the feel for the advanced applications you should find a training partner, even if he/she is not a martial arts student. Even at the advanced levels though, you can gain a lot by practicing alone to prepare well for occasional training sessions with a partner. (Many traditional students should do more of this, in fact.) 3) This course will not prepare you for a career in the UFC - it is not meant to. It will give you an excellent base of knowledge and skill on which you can continue building. I continue to practice all the material here regularly, and supplement this with occasional attendance at another school, but there are many ways you can build on the foundation you will gain with this program. Don't expect "black belt" to be a magical achievement that will turn you instantly into Jet Li, and you won't be disappointed. 4) If you start the program (or any self study martial arts) I highly recommend you get at least a heavy bag (free standing WaveMaster is a great option) and 3 or 4 full length mirrors you can lean against the wall (you can buy them for only a few dollars each at a local store, then easily store them in a closet when not in use.) Good luck and enjoy the program!”
  6. Appreciate the feedback I have my personal reasons for home study rather than physical gym at the time being. I have experience in a few martial arts so I have confidence that I can adapt to the material provided through this virtual programs. I posted similar question about other programs I came across in the Korean arts section.
  7. when typing on search “karate home study”, This and another programs results come up, but I am more interested in this specific program Kobukan Shorin Ryu - teaches Matsumura Shorin Ryu. This program also offers the option to test for Rank via virtual or in person as it appears they have official physical dojo’s nationally and internationally. anyone have experience or feedback they can share about the program?
  8. Hi everyone I am looking at remote home study courses for TKD and wanted to ask for some feedback or opinions regarding these programs that appeared in the search. 1.GMAU (global martial arts University) 2.Cyber Tae kwon do Both look like solid programs and are run strict just has a physical dojang, ran can also be earned
  9. u are right as this type of wrestling is mostly found through high school college programs. There are some gyms that promote “submission wrestling” but its mixed with MMA and not just wrestling itself. Ive heard its just better to get into BJJ and that it is more tailored to my age range. It is exciting seeing the elite wrestling being used in competitions but Im always reminded these guys are young and Im considered more fragile now being 40’s
  10. is 40 yr young too old to learn and train any type of wrestling styles such as Greco or folk etc?
  11. Ive noticed in old pictures, that Gichin Funakoshi puts the tips of his fingers on top of each other as opposed to just having the tip of index fingers meet. basically one hand (fingers) would be covering the the other. With that being said, I can see it as some sort of push back move or to stop or break a 2 handed push or strangle
  12. would u acknowledge that Karate deserves to be mentioned as a vital part of MMA like MT and boxing?
  13. i trained at a judo/jiujitsu club where the guy was shodan in judo and japanese jiujitsu and brown in Bjj. his students would win 1st place medals againts all the other BJJ gyms in cali who r ran buy higher ranking belts. he ran a school as a 1st degree BB so I dont see why not if they have the skills and teaching ability to do so; of course it was his own school and he wasn’t affiliated with a gov body but yah... he promoted ranks...
  14. I have a history of practicing various martial arts. I have trained in TKD, western boxing, Okinawan and Japanese Karate, Grappling. I Blend all of my experience into my personal style of kickboxing thats mainly Karate based. I am looking into trying filipino martial arts in the near future and add anything useful to my own style.
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