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Everything posted by Stelth_13

  1. Hi everyone! just to indulge my pet peeve, the word "martial" of martial art comes from the word "mars" which is derived from the beleif that mars is the god of war. thus, in the official definition of "Martial art", one can include any kind of fighting... learning large-scale military leadership &strategy is a martial art. Kickboxing is most definitely a martial art, as is ANY fighting style. (if you ask me)
  2. Thanks for the advice everyone! yeah, i agree that the axekick is flashy and is pretty easy to avoid. i'll see if i can develop my snapkick and have a secret weapon, but until i have the necessary speed, i'll stick to solar plexus. I'm fron New-Brunswick, in the maritimes of canada, in the city of Fredericton.
  3. I am a beginning kickboxer (abt. 2 months, twice a week) and I have bought an excellent book on said sport, "the complete idiot's guide to kickboxing." anyway, in the book they say that a front kick should never aim for the head of an opponent, because this would deprive the kick of the power it requires. However, i do not see the problem with a quick "snapkick" as i call it, a rising kick to the chin. I agree, it puts you off-bablnce for a second when performed, but so does a side or turning kick! Any comments from the experts or sub-experts out there would be appreciated. Also, what is the advantage of an Axe kick in kickboxing?
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