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Everything posted by ChpsahoySE

  1. I see what your saying. It IS a weird sequence thats part of the kata in my eyes. (call me a conspiracy theorist) Ive always thought that everything in this world is not what it seems or there are some double meanings to certain symbols, gestures etc A good example is the DOLLAR BILL! LOL.
  2. This topic needs more attention as Ive heard this hand symbol has some pretty odd connections outside of Karate. does Karate have any hidden dark ties in the past?
  3. I would have to teach each Karate style separately due to the organizations they fall under having differences in grading/promotion criteria/org membership requirements. I can promote up to brown belt for both styles, black belt ranks would need oversight by governing body for that one of my styles guaranteed; the other styles I have to clarify but I think it was mentioned before that I can award a 1st degree rank. I have the okay from instructors from both styles to teach if I ever decided. I have led classes for Karate in the absence of the lead instructor for those days they couldn't make it. regards to kickboxing - I would just incorporate kickboxing drills and strategies into my sparring days for both Karate classes.
  4. I have 1st degree BB in 2 styles of Karate with a combined 5 years experience with MT kickboxing. Would any of you see the value of learning from the experience mentioned? what would my teaching and promoting limitations be? I dont have alot of “competitive” experience but can hold my own and give any opponent a good practice.
  5. Due to this new “Norm” and everything related to education is now virtual, I am searching for ways to train Karate (preferably) at home. Most of the dojos around my area are not holding classes. Id humbly ask to be spared of the criticism of “home” training if possible as this is the reality for the time being... Grading and earning a diploma is still being done in the traditional school system so I am interested in pursuing the same with the martial arts. Previously, I looked into home study programs of BJJ (yes BJJ!)and found a few that you can actually train at home and earn authentic rank, but jiu jitsu also requires a partner which makes it less convenient. So yes.. I am interested in continuing in training Karate of any legit style and earn authentic rank based in my skill level and progress. Karate is an art you can train alone as its something you need to train and sharpen after executing hundreds of thousands reps with a core of basic techniques. Yes home training means your not physically there along side an instructor but thats where webcam and video submission with feedback come in (similar to how the gracie University does) Does anyone know if there are any reputable home study programs for japanese or Okinawan Karate?
  6. I feel very different when training in a gi vs no gi.. Its like my technique is off when I see my self without a gi lol
  7. @wastelander - very intriguing concept!! mind if I borrow it? jk. but Id support that.
  8. Is it frowned or looked down upon if you train another system simultaneously, while still being dedicated to your main style? is your group relaxed and open about cross training or has anyone ever been expelled from a style because of training others?
  9. Do you see the use of Gis and belts being totally done away with in the future of martial arts? (Especially Karate). Maybe just training in comfortable clothing knowing what ranks status is within dojo? Of course one would hold a diploma or any official transcript showing you are proficient in the level you are described as, but would most of you not care if things officially head in that direction or would you fight to keep the tradition?
  10. But what if you absolutely have no access or can’t afford traditional training? I myself wouldn’t mind being part of a home study course as well as ranking through one like Roy Harris program for example or Gracie university
  11. I was told that 3rd Dan is your technical peak or mastery and that godan and up were more for honorary(e.g for contributions to style). I guess it depends on the style. I have seen some 6th degree and up black belts that would probably have trouble with some 5 degree and lower Belts I have trained with from other styles.
  12. My previous Matsumura teacher learned under Barry Holck and another teacher through Nobuichi Oyakawa. Both styles were very solid and practical IMO. Any other Matsumura stylists here that have a opinion on lineages?
  13. Hi am new here and wanted to start the topic by saying One of the Black belt I hold is in Matsumura Shorin Ryu. I never paid attention or cared much for its exact history of lineage When I was actively training it. Recently, As I started researching the family tree, I was shocked at the bickering and bad mouthing I noticed on different websites or associations coming from the respected heads of the school (some of these men Are well into their 70’s). It’s phrases such as “so and so doesn’t know real Matsumura!” “You only trained with Sokan x amount of times tops!” “he didn’t train that much with Hohan Sokan!” “That guy is a fraud!!” It’s astonishing To say the least.. My simple question is “what gives??” can anyone explain how or what happened to cause the divisions and different styles within this same lineage?
  14. As question stated above.. How far does your orgs Dan level go as high as? (E.g 15th degree..jk) *you get the point* at what level does the Dan rank become more of an honorary vs technical thing?
  15. Greetings everyone
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