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Everything posted by Bulldawg

  1. Check out George Mattson's virtual academy. He admits its not the same as in person training. But if you can't get in person, its better than sitting on the couch. Mr. Mattson was the first American to earn his black belt in Uechi-Ryu in Okinawa and is responsible for bringing this style to the states.
  2. Honestly I was surprised too. He had mentioned he was gonna keep met with Sanchin/ Kanshiwa +Bunkai/Kumite 1/ Hojo Undo for a while, then randomly threw Kanshu in there the other day. They are pretty similar but I haven't gotten them confused.....yet. We usually do kote kitae during training, but only if people feel comfortable being that close to each other. thanks for the advice, I'll talk to him about that and see what he recommends.
  3. we are a small school so my instructor rents time from another school. and the owner of the school won't let anyone in so we've been outside. with it getting darker earlier, it looks like we will be dropping our training to one day a week but 2.5 to 3 hours.
  4. I would think a true beginner (not just someone starting a new style) should be lightly discouraged from it until they have a basic understand of the particular style. Simply from a learning aspect, it seems there would be a risk of information overload.
  5. So to start I'm just about 3 months into my Uechi Ryu journey. I think things are coming along nicely. Just started working on Kanchu (our 3rd kata out of . Things are finally starting to click. I still have a lot to improve on but I don't always feel like I have 2 left feet. And my instructor is increasing the intensity when he tests my Sanchin. Now to the point of the post. Since I joined after all the shutdowns from the Rona (here in NM we have some of the strictest gov't mandates). we have been training at a local park. Needless to say I've really enjoyed this type of training, with no Gis (just street clothes, though I wear on set of old Gi pants) No belts, no rankings. Just simply learning the material and hard training. It's also nice to be outdoors after working in an office all day. That being said I'm looking forward to finally getting into the dojo (whenever that is). And continuing training in a more traditional atmosphere. Does anyone else like or prefer outdoor/more informal training or do people generally prefer being in an actual dojo?
  6. Hey, new guy here. Living in ABQ at the moment. very new in the marital arts world. Studied a year of Kempo in VA it was an offshoot of Universal Kempo based out of HI. I enjoyed that but life, school, work, moving all gets in the way so after a 4 year break I've finally started back up again. I've been training in Uechi-Ryu for just over 2 months now. looking forward to the journey
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