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  • Martial Art(s)
    Yamaguchi Goju Ryu

Moegster's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I am studying "GOJU RYU KARATE - A VISUAL GUIDE TO KUMITE, Goshi Yamaguchi"which explaines the different forms and intentions of kumite. It's an interesting read, if you're interested in the yamaguchi lineage of goju ryu.
  2. Update: I found (and ordered!) three books that seems to cover alot of the Goju Ryu (Goju Kai) basics and even advanced techniques. First is an oldie, Goju-Ryu Karate A visual guide to kumite techniques (By Goshi Yamaguchi). Second title is GOJU-RYU KATA SERIES vol.1, Japan Karatedo Gojukai Association. Third one is the same title as the last mentioned but then the vol. 2 version. They're great resources when at home wondering what the sensei explained or what order the moves in a certain kata were.. especially during covid lockdown, trying do keep practicing at home
  3. I know the feeling haha! I first discovered alot of material from Morio Higaonna's Goju Ryu and it was amazing! But there are no IOGKF in or near my city... Eventually I found a Goju Kai (Yamaguchi's Goju Ryu organization) school. It shows ALOT of similarities (as far as i can say, as a beginner) with Higaonna's Goju Ryu. I find the IOGKF much more appealing than the IGKF (Goju Kai), they tend to share more knowledge in books, videos and the use of modern media AND more gasshuku's. Wado Heretic and Sensei8, you guys rock! its a pleasure to read both your contributions
  4. Thanks for the welcome peeps! Yes, I really like my sensei! The way he teaches feels very good, he always seems to be able to explain (complex) techniques in a way that a beginner can understand There is so much i want to learn! I am also a Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu (Sugino line) student, and reference material helps to learn i.e. the pattern of a kata, or names of different strikes and stances. So for reviewing and practicing at home, good reference material can help alot Nothing can replace a good sensei, a photo or video misses a lot of essential details. But it can help/support in one's learning proces.
  5. Hello everyone, I am a 36 years old Goju Kai newbie from the netherlands. I started with karate at te beginning of the COVID-19 period.. so had to train outside or follow some online classes but that didn't stop me. I hope to train many years and grow as a person. Furthermore, i hope to learn alot from other karateka's here, maybe get some advice If there are any Goju Kai practicioners.. do you have any advice for a newbie? Advice on good reference materials? Videos, DVD's, books? My internet search on good reference materials only resulted in finding stuff from IOGKF But Goju Kai info is hard to find, so any advice on this matter would be more than welcome
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