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Everything posted by SanchinTensho

  1. Hi all, Greetings from Australia. Unfortunately we cannot attend the dojo atm which gives too much time to think. Anyway interesting reading. One way of looking at the Goju kata groupings could be: Style 1 Suparempi, seisan, sanseru, shi sho chin, with Sanchin as the base. Style 2 Kururunfa, Seipei, Seiunchin, Saifa with Tensho as the base. It seems clear from the intent that Gekisai Ich and Ni Were to be Seperate non style specific (still well worth practicing) kata. In The Meibukan we also train a third “group” again of 4 plus a central base 5th kata. I would be interested feedback And if anyone sees merit in these groupings.
  2. Scohen0300 find a real teacher, listen to him and train for at least ten years. It takes this time to change your body through the training. A real sensei knows but won’t necessarily teach you and can’t anyway when you start. Your “home” style is one of the good ones so just stay at it.
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