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    Traditional Karate and deep meanings
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champ8309's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Thank you sir for these nice kata suggestions.
  2. I see. This information is quite useful. I have seen Jesse Enkamp's Video and the video linked to it. Those videos were the ones that made me want to do this. I will make good use of this information. Thank you.
  3. I see. The kata is very simple, yet a great way to master the main techniques. Thank you for sharing me this! Of course! I believe Nagamine Sensei wanted something that was firmly rooted in the basics, yet still accessible to beginner students of all ages. Yes. I have decided making 5 katas in a series, grouping in white-orange, green-purple, brown, shodan to godan, rokudan to jodan. So I will introduce basics too, but will build on those basics and make them advanced and more "applicable" in real life. Respectfully, please forgive me my question, I mean no disrespect whatsoever... How can you effectively create Kata/Etc. above your knowledge and experience?? Shodan?? Perhaps, due to you being a 3rd Kyu. Nidan?? That would be a stretch. Sandan?? Highly improbable because at this rank most CI's are just now opening their own dojo. Sandan takes about 3+ years minimum of knowledge and experience from Shodan to earn. Yondan - Godan?? These ranks require 15+ years minimum of knowledge and experience to earn from Sandan. Rokudan - Hachidan?? These ranks require 20+ years minimum of knowledge and experience to earn from Godan. Kudan - Judan?? These ranks require a lifetime of knowledge and experience to earn; just about 50+ years. Let's completely forget about rank; the necessary knowledge and experience must be achieved. Rank is meaningless, but knowledge and experience is everything. Imho. Sensei, with all due respect, What I meant was that the 5 katas are suppoesed to be grouped like that, because I will be adding techniques, that are rarely used in modern karate, thus it is better performed by someone, who has knowledge and experience. It is only meant a sugestion and it was never forced to be like that. In September, I will be starting with official karate training again. Based on our grading system and my Godan Sensei, who once won a World Championship, I will be putting more and more techniques that require skill, talent and wit. Of course I will never be a Judan, but like I said: It was only a suggestion and only a vision of a child. The main point is to gradually introduce practitioners to a new side of Karate. Starting of with closed hands, than open hands, followed by sweeps, grapples and so on. My apologies for saying something like that before.
  4. I see. The kata is very simple, yet a great way to master the main techniques. Thank you for sharing me this! Of course! I believe Nagamine Sensei wanted something that was firmly rooted in the basics, yet still accessible to beginner students of all ages. Yes. I have decided making 5 katas in a series, grouping in white-orange, green-purple, brown, shodan to godan, rokudan to jodan. So I will introduce basics too, but will build on those basics and make them advanced and more "applicable" in real life.
  5. I like all Katas, but my heart is in the 12 Goju-Ryu Katas, because that's where my Kata passion started. Based on the Kata's I trained: 1. Gekisai dai ichi 2. Gekisai dai ni 3. Tensho 4. Saifa 5. I haven't officially trained a fifth Kat and I was supposed to learn sanchin, but I am learning Seienchin at home right now. The overall Katas I'd keep practicing: 1. Suparimpei (Because it's my most favourite one) 2. Kururunfa 3. Sanseiru 4. Shisochin 5. Seiyunchin I never trained those five, but I'd be training these privately starting today
  6. The information you have is outstanding! Thank you for sharing this with me! And as to clarify why I am making this: The kata should have enough techniques and sequences that are different from each other, so that I can use the kata for the benefit of training correct technique, stance shifting and actually supposed to (if I have a student of my own, since I am only sankyu) teach how to finish a fight by stopping them, not killing them. I want to emphasize that Karate was intended to be for self defense, and not murder. Again, arigato gozaimasu Wado Heretic-senpai!
  7. Dear rhilllakefield-senpai, I may just be a sankyu, but I know that feeling. While you should consult with your sensei at the Chito-Ryu school, I have a proposal for both of you. If you manage to pass the black belt test of that school, then you can wear the kuro-obi. If you do not pass it, at least the teacher knows, where you are at. If he sees your potential, then he can tell you what belt you should wear. I hope this somehow helps to decide this matter, because you are a black belt and that should stay. You are a shodan and you have your potential. So you need a belt that fits your potential in that school. And that belt can be decided by your sensei.
  8. That's completely fine! It actually is my fault, because I forgot, that there are more than these four styles.
  9. I see. The kata is very simple, yet a great way to master the main techniques. Thank you for sharing me this!
  10. That is quite interesting! I am really sorry for not having put in the option "others" and/or "none of the above" in my poll.
  11. So, basically, it is my own creation. I stopped training at an official Dojo for the sake of my studies, so I am now on my own. So this is my own creation.
  12. Konichiwa! I am currently working on a kata. It's called "Yonnin" or "四人", meaning "four people". The four people represent Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu and Wado-Ryu. What is the signature kata of your style or a specific sequence, which represents, what your Style values? Goju-Ryu for example has 2 Katas: Tensho and Sanchin. Tensho represents the "Ju" or the Soft part, while Sanchin represents the "Go" or the hard part of Goju-Ryu.
  13. Hello! I am Champ8309, a real world 3rd Kyu Karateka. I am looking forward to seeing your posts!
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