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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I can- butterfly twist 540 frontflip backlayout fulltwist 720 hook aerial axe2aerial 360gyro 540 hook doubleleg doubleg 540 ...hmm theres probably more but thats all i can think of off the top of my head. of course the easy ones like kip up's and aubatido's i can do, but most martial arts tricksters wouldnt consider them full on tricks.
  2. I hate this stupid debate. People need to stop worrying about what is going to happen to martial arts. There will always be traditionalists, and there will always be the tournament competitors. MA isnt going anywhere. Maybe for a while the sport side of MA will be popular...but when people get bored of that they will go back to traditional. Both sides have great apeal so stop stressing. what happens will happen, and there is little you can do but stick to your guns. If your a traditionalist, keep practicing. if your a sport competitor keep competing.
  3. I am not sure if that weapon actually ever existed, but if it did, it would be incredibly hard to control. Just so heavy and long. But i recognized some of the moves the girl used with that weapon. Most of the moves come from the rope dart. http://www.wle.com/media/W211.jpg
  4. Thats very interesting SevenStar, I would like to see some of that sometime. I have always loved the acrobatic/unorthodox movements that i have seen in capoeira, and i have learned some of them by myself.
  5. Actually Devil, all the clans featured in that game did exist, and it was one of the reasons i liked the game so much. I believe that if you go back far enough, you will find that some martial arts were begun within certian samurai clans. I can't give you any hard facts, since it has been so long since i paid attention to this kind of thing.
  6. my previous post gave you the best tutorial site for extreme kicks there is. beyond that its all about practice. Head over to https://www.bilang.com for some videos of this stuff in action.
  7. Oh they are possible, and much more
  8. There have been topics like this before. So far I think everything has amounted to *.
  9. I was wonding when someone would post something about the extreme side of the martial arts. If you are interested in learning the moves, go to https://www.trickstutorials.com neokarate is crap and has no good tutorials.
  10. The Butterfly kick (or b-kick as it is sometimes called in sport karate) is very easy once you get the balance of the move down. after you get that you can more onto much cooler stuff like a butterfly twist http://www.trickstutorials.com/tutorials/tricks/b-twist.php Both of these moves are useless in combat, just so you know.
  11. Shogun

    Blind Kicks?

    I don't know- thats the thing with judges, its all about what position you are in, in relation to them. In Kenpo, I have always been taught to snap the head around first- the body will follow. As long as you make it obvious that you are in fact looking (body posture upright, your head isnt down where your belt knot is normally) then i would say you are ok. In alot of sparring matches, spin kicks are actually encouraged because of the difficulty, and you get more points for them.
  12. I am in need of help also. Some of the stuff posted already is ok...but nothing has caught me so far. Our demo is 3 part- first is sync, 2nd is fight set, 3rd is weapons fight. I am looking for the right music for the first part. I would like it to have more of a deeper sound and not all higher pitched techno beeps. for example, I am using the 100-agent smith song and the matrix karate training scene music for the other parts. I actually liked "fire" by scooter except for that the first 15 secs or so is slow, so i would have to edit the song, and the guy also spouts off some really weird sounding words.
  13. Hello all is has been quite a while since i last posted here (karateforums) . Anyways I wanted to know know what tournaments everyone is planning on attending. Is anyone going to Amerikick? http://www.amerikickinternationals.com Does anyone know anything about this tournament? I want to compete in their Demo team competition, it's listed in their divisions, but not outlined in the rules they are using (WSKF rules) can anyone shed some light on this? I also was looking at Victory at valley forge, but I have found no updated info on this tournament. Anyone know anything about this? Good luck, I'll be lookin for you people at Amerikick if your there!
  14. yes, i think it is the best anime on toonami. 3 weeks ago i would have told you it was crap, but now i love it. i've been anime'd
  15. oh right. ok i would like to try to keep it east coast, and i want one that has a team competition and is fairly big(but not huge. we are still beginners you know)
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